200 You're Mine!!!
Lyla co
| stared at him, wondering if this was a ploy. Soon, spack members or maybe Cassidy herself would jump
out of nowhere and laugh at me, claiming I had fallen for their trick.
He steadiedon the ground, reluctantly lettinggo, although his hands were still wrapped around my waist.
“Don’t look so surprised, Lyla,” he said gently finally lettinggo.
The door to my room was still ajar, and this man... the last person | expected to see-was tellingto my face
that he was ready to let go of Cassidy, let go of his relationship, his duties, everything that had been an obstacle
all along because of me.
“What do you mean you're not getting married tomorrow?” My voice cout as barely a whisper because my
mind still struggled to process his sudden declaration.
“I'm not getting married tomorrow,” he repeated, his golden eyes locked on mine. There was no hesitation in his
gaze, no waver in his voice. He sounded sure of what he was saying.
“I heard you the first time, | replied. “Just, what are you talking about? What do yo stammered, my heart was
mean?” |
He took a step forward, his presence overwhelming my senses. With each step he took toward me, | took one
backwards until my back was pressed against the cool wall. Somewhere in the slow walk, he had closed the door.
| wanted to tell him to leave - | wanted to ask him to leave and never cback. | wasn’t pissed, | wasn’t even
angry, | was everything but unhappy. But | hated that my body was automatically melting against him... | hated
everything but, | was powerless. It was as if | couldn’t function at the moment. All | wanted to do right now was...
I didn’t know.
“I can’t marry her, Lyla, his voice was husky, filled with an intensity that weakened my knees. My lower abdomen
pulsed with want but | ignored it. “Not every t| close my eyes, all | see is you. Not when my heart has
belonged to you since the moment we first met.
“D-Did you call it off or something?” | stuttered, trying not to think about his scent filling up my nostrils, sending
warm tingles within me. He placed one hand against the wall beside my head effectively cagingand my
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtbreath caught in my throat.
The heat - his scent radiating from his body was intoxicating, making it impossible forto think straight. Our
faces were inches apart, and | could see the flecks of green in his amber eyes.
*'ve never stopped loving you,” he confessed, his free hand coming up to cup my cheek. His touch sent
electricity coursing through my veins. | found myself leaning into it. “Every decision
you.” I've made, every path I've taken they've all ledback to
My pulse quickened, and | instinctively backed up, trapped between the wall and him. “Ramsey, you're not
making any sense. You're supposed to be married tomorrow. This this isn’t...”
200 You're Mine!
“I love you!” he cutoff, his voice was raw with emotions. “I've always loved you. And no. matter how much
I've tried to bury it, to convince myself | could move on, | can’t. You're in my blood, in my soul. | was a fool for
letting you slip through my fingers. For everything | did to you. | know words are not enough.
“You hurt me!” | interrupted him shaking my head. “That's all | can ever think about, and think of. You cannot
hurt the person you love...”
“I'm not too late, he interrupted, practically melting into my body. His hand reached out, brushing against my
cheek. | squirmed, fighting off a moan. “I should've fought for you sooner, but I'm here now. And I’m not letting
you go.”
My world tilted on its axis. Here was the man I'd dreamed about for countless nights, the one whose memory I'd
tried desperately to erase. Yet somehow, he'd found his way back to me, confessing the words I'd longed to hear.
“Ramsey, | began, “You can’t just say these things now. You're too late and honestly, it doesn’t justify your
behaviour towards me.
He leaned closer to me, his lips were merely an inch from my ear, “How can | show you? How do 1 make it up?”
At this
todo didn’t think we were bothered about the apology because right now, all | wanted
to ask him to kiss me. | was no longer hearing what he was saying or understanding the words he was using. My
hands trembled as they found their way to his chest, feeling his racing heartbeat beneath my palms.
| tried to steady my breathing, but it was impossible. His touch, his voice, his presence - it was all consuming
“Ramsey, we can't...” | tried again, but the words died in my throat when his forehead pressed against mine.
“Tellyou don’t feel it, he murmured, his breath was warm against my lips. “Tellyou don’t feel this pull
between us.”
| squeezed my eyes shut, trying to stay strong. But the bond, the connection was undeniable. We kept squirming
in each other’s arms, daring the other person to move to make a first move. He was running his hand up and
down my arm...our gazes met and | saw it as plain as day what he meant and what he wanted.
“I don’t know, | whispered, my voice had automatically gone to a whisper.
His lips curved into a sad smile. “You do know. You've always known”
Before | could respond, he closed the remaining distance between them. His lips brushed against mine, soft and
hesitant at first, as if givinga chance to pull away. But | didn’t. My breath hitched and | found myself leaning
into him, my resolve crumbling with each passing
second. O
He didn’t take it any further, he didn’t try to deepen the kiss.
Unable to resist any longer, | lift
myself on my tiptoes, my fingers curling into the lapels of his jacket. Our lips met again, in a kiss that felt like
homecoming after years of wandering. He
2DD You're Mine!!!
responded immediately, his arm wrapping around my waist to pullcloser.
His mouth was all hunger and restraint breaking at the seams, and | couldn't help but grab his shirt to pull him
closer. My fingers tangled in his hair, my body responding to him in ways [ couldn't control.
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“Ramsey, | gasped against his lips, my voice was a mix of protest and need.
He pulled back just enough to look into my eyes. “Tellto stop, Lyla and | will. | promise, I will but don’t,” he
sighed softly. “But if you don’t...” his voice trailed off...
How do you tell a will
man you want him in a way that by the the’s done with you, your legs
be so
jittery and you won't be able to walk properly? | was looking forward to my wedding night with Nathan because |
haven't been with any other man since Ramsey four years ago.
| didn’t say anything, | grabbed his wrist pulling him back to me. Our mouths collided in a desperate, fiery kiss
this taround. There was no going back.
His lips moved against mine with a familiarity that made my heart ache, remindingof all the years we'd lost.
Ramsey deepened the kiss, pouring years of longing and unspoken words into it. His hand slid from my cheek to
the nape of my neck.
He stopped for a moment, resting his forehead on mine again, both of us were breathing heavily. His thumb
traced gentle circles on my hip. His hands were slowly working the tie | made with the ropes of the robe | had on.
The thought that he would findnaked underneath, madeclasp my legs. My hand slid under his shirt,
feeling the heat of his skin and the hard planes of his chest. | pushed the fabric upward, loving the way his hands
were roaming over my curves, exploring every inch ofas if he was memorizingall over again.
He pressed a warm kiss on my neck, pushing the robe aside to nibble gently on the exposed skin. He broke this
kiss long enough to allowto pull his shirt over his head, revealing his muscular
“I've dreamed of this moment,” he whispered, “goddess, babe!” he groaned, as my hand brushed against his
hardness pressing against my thigh.
“The other twe made love, Ramsey, | murmured, meeting his gaze. “You rushed me... now | want you to
make love to me, slow and long.”
“You know how long I've been waiting to do this?” he murmured, his knee parting my legs. He swept my hair off
my neck, holdingstill. “You're going to take every inch oftonight...
“You're mine!”