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The CEO's Hidden Love: Midnight Temptations and Deep Desires

Chapter 1046
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He drifted off to sleep, leaving her without the answers she sought. Yet, Dorothy harbored not a shred of anger or resentment

towards Everett. All those years of solitary waiting, she had endured, well aware that the love they shared wouldn't just fade away

with his mother's passing. With a little more time, a bit of cajoling on her part, things would be alright! After all, he had comforted

her countless times before; now, it was her turn to offer the ssolace.

Staying over at Bay Residence was an unexpected turn of events. Everett had planned to check in on the kids and her, then make

his exit. Perhaps exhaustion took its toll, for once he lay down, sleep claimed him completely. The whirlwind of recent events had

left Everett more sleep-deprived than Dorothy, but having her by his side that night, he finally found peace in slumber.

The next day, Everett awoke to a world bathed in sunlight. Seven in the morning. Already, the sounds of Abigail and Langston filled

the air, a lively commotion underway.

“| told you Daddy cback last night! | saw him! And you didn’t believe me, said | was dreaming!”

“Look! Look, those are Daddy's shoes!”

“Shh, keep it down! If Daddy hasn't cout yet, he must still be sleeping.” Langston's voice carried a joy that was unmistakable.

He always was the more observant one, even more so than his sister.

Everett chose not to rise immediately, instead lying in bed a while longer to listen to the chatter outside. Who knew when he'd get

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another chance like this? He turned to Dorothy, who had recently fallen asleep. In the early hours, she had been watching over

him, a fact Everett was acutely aware of. But what then? The softer his heart grew, the slower their story progressed!

First, he needed to ensure Dorothy's safety, to free her from Quincy's grasp. With his vulnerabilities shielded, Everett could move

forward with ease. He couldn't afford to linger here; a visit to the funeral hawaited him today.

After a quick shower, Everett emerged from the bedroom only to find both kids staring at him as if he were a stranger.

“What's with the stares?”

“Teehee! We're just happy to see you, Daddy!” Abigail rushed over, arms wide for a hug.

Langston, Jess demonstrative than-.

his sisterbut equally eager, tugged’

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at his shirt. “Dad, my new system

has @bug. Can you check it when


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yau'have time?”


“You've got something you can’t handle?”

“I'm just a kid. There's plenty | can’t handle.”

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Everett regognized his son's attem

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at seeking closeness, a trait he h

inherit€d; hard on the outside but not

as farthright as Abigail in expressing

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“Alright, I'll take a look once I'm less busy.”


Abigail, nestled in his arms, reached up to touch his cheek. “Daddy, you look thinner! Haven't you been eating well?”

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Her words almost caught Everett off guard. Fortunately, in front of his children, he managed to maintain his composure, even if a

bit clumsily.

“Daddy’s been swamped with work lately, so | haven’t had much tto chor even eat properly.”

Abigail popdered this for a moment.


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Then...maybe you shouldn't worry

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about. gpending twith us. You

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should eat more, Daddy. Being

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hungry is the worst!” Content

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As Everett ruffled his daughter's hair, preparing to respond, the bedroom door swung open. Instinctively, his gaze shifted towards

Dorothy, now awake.

“Are you... leaving already?”