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The Claiming by Cooper

Chapter 17
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Chapter 17 Mason


I’m so pi*sed that Elder Carson won’t listen to me about the Alpha in Layan’s lottery. He thinks I want to

get him out with the possibility of getting in. He couldn’t be more wrong. He should be just as concerned

as I am, but he seems more concerned about making sure everyone gets ‘their chance’ to catch a


I’m ready to punch something until I see Jara. Something about her immediately calms my inner beast,

so I decide to wait for her while she talks to Elder Carson.

I want to kiss her so desperately that it’s almost like she’s become the air I need to breathe and when my

lips touch hers, I know instantly that she’s never kissed anyone before. This strong, powerful Alpha

becomes shy and reserved under my gentle guidance. I can’t say I’m all that experienced either. There

aren’t enough she-wolves left for the male wolves to date or even have short-term affairs. However, as

an Alpha, when a female loses her mate, they have come to me for comfort. So, I’ve been with more

she-wolves than most werewolves, but not like I’ve heard it used to be when she-wolves would throw

themselves at ranked members. Those days are long gone.

I can tell when I end the kiss that Jara is dazed and I take advantage of the moment to clasp her hand in

mine, so we walk into the main room together, holding hands. It’s a power play on my part. I’m staking

my claim for Jara. It’s not that any other male wouldn’t do the same if given the opportunity, but she

hasn’t given any of them the opportunity.

When she pulls away, I let her go, but I watch her the rest of the evening. Because I’m watching, I see

her search me out and at one

point, I even watch her touch her lips briefly and I know she’s thinking of our kiss, especially when I see a

blush blossom across her cheeks. When I finally catch her gaze, I wink at her, letting her know I’m

thinking of her too.

“Do you really think you stand a chance against me this time, Alpha Mason?” Alpha Typhon comes to

stand next to me, his frustration radiating off of him like a bad cologne.

“I’d say my chances are considerably better than yours, Alpha Typhon. Who did you have to bribe to be

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eligible for the claiming event this year? I would think that killing one of our most precious pack

members, an Alpha female, would be enough to have you disqualified from any future events.”

“You should read the rule book, Alpha. Any unmated male is eligible to attend the claiming event, and

because Jara’s claim will be open to anyone, I am automatically entered, as are you and every other wolf

here.” He says arrogantly.

“You make a very good point, Alpha. Why should a male who has lost his mate be eligible again for the

claiming. He already had his chance and has proven that he isn’t a worthy mate if he can’t keep his

previous mate safe and alive.” I turn to look at him. “I’ll have to take that into consideration at the next

council meeting and make sure that law is changed before next year.”

“You do that. It won’t make a difference for this year’s claim. By then, Jara will be mine.”

I chuckle at his egotism. “Good luck with that, Alpha. There’s no way I’m letting you catch her. And even

if you did get past me, you’ Il never get past her.” I say smugly before walking away.

I know that Jara would love nothing more than to kill Typhon for what he did to her sister.

“What did Typhon want?” Elijah asks, as I walk up beside him.

“The usual. He’s an a*s who thinks he can intimidate me.” Elijah


“How’s Layan?” He asks me. I know he didn’t follow me into the hallway to check on the contestants. He

stayed in the main room to keep our pack members in line. Since I didn’t feel any of their tether’s snap, I

know he did his job well, as he always does.

“She’s shaken. Not only was her room attacked, but the Alpha in her lottery became possessive,

guarding her and not letting her pass.”

He turns to look at me, as shocked as I was.

“I know. I’ve already tried to talk to Elder Carson, but he refuses to listen. Thankfully, Jara insisted that

either she or Beta Hana be at her side all night.”

“I’m surprised he agreed to that.”

I have to smile. “Apparently, his choices were to allow it, or they would all leave.”

He turns to look at Jara. “She’ll make a great Luna.”

It hurts to say it, but I know I’d rather have Elijah catch her than anyone other than me. “Or a Beta.”

He shakes his head. “More and more I realize she is meant to be a


“Well, if I don’t catch her, you’ll become Alpha and she will be a Luna, so….” We leave the rest unsaid.

He knows what that means, just as much as I do.

Dividing into page now

The next morning, Beta Michael starts the day by announcing that the dead who were previously pulled

in the lottery will be replaced today. Any who have not yet been pulled for a lottery who would like to be

entered into Mignon and Layan’s lottery could sign up. Apparently two of Mignon’s and one of Layan’s

claimants were killed in the events of last night, in addition to another five whose names had not been

pulled in the lottery.

Two warriors are chosen for Mignon’s claim and a G&mma is chosen for Layan’s. Elijah had entered his

name again for Layan but wasn’t chosen.

Next up is the lottery for Annabel. I walk to the tables to remove my name from her pool of claimants. I

notice fewer males are removing their names now. As more claimants die each day, the tension is

increasing and the need to claim a mate is putting pressure on each male here, particularly the Alphas.

I watch as the males are drawn for Annabel’s lottery and when Alpha Antonio’s name is pulled, Annabel

turns to look at Jara and Hana. Jara gives her a nod. Interesting. I remember Seth thanking him last

night as he was in the room with Jara. Jara must be giving him her stamp of approval.

I stay for lunch, keeping an eye on Jara. Seth has become a standard fixture at our table. I know he

wants Hana, and if it weren’t for Elijah, I’d be rooting for him to catch her. I think she will also make

someone a great Luna. Just not me.

At lunch, Elder Carson stands to tell us that anyone that is not chosen for tonight’s social gathering will

not be allowed into the main hall until dinner time. He admonishes everyone for the events of last night,

as if this entire process isn’t to blame, before bringing Beta Michael to the stage to call the groups for

Hana and Jara’s social gatherings.

When my name is called for Jara’s social gathering, I can’t help the covetous smile that spreads across

my face, or the rumbling growl in my chest when she looks at me, her eyes darkening in

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I shouldn’t be excited about seeing Mason again, but I am. Every time I think about that kiss, my lips

tingle. I had even dreamed about it. His warm, soft lips pressing against mine….

I shake my head, getting my mind back on the current conversation.

“So, you think Alpha Antonio would make a good mate?” Annabel asks. He was the only Alpha called for

her lottery, so it’s a good chance that he’ll catch her.

“I do. He protected me last night when the fight broke out. And he’ s been very kind in our conversations,

and he was very appropriate during our dance. I don’t think he’s faking it. I think he would be a good


“I really like Beta Asher.” Mignon says. “He was so kind to me and made sure I was safe. I really hope he

catches me.”

“Remember what my father said. If you can’t get out unclaimed, make sure you decide who catches


“But how?” Layan asks. “How can I make sure that Alpha doesn’t catch me, and a warrior does?”

“I don’t know exactly. I know we each get one day in the territory before they let our claimants in. We all

need to take that time to search the territory for hiding places, water to wash off our scent and places

that maybe we can fit, and they can’t if you need to get away. Also, depending on how their start goes,

some of them may get injured or killed. If that happens, then there will be even fewer contenders to catch

you.” I say.

“Asher says there is a cave near a lake. He asked me to meet him there.” Mignon says.

“Oh, it’s Asher, is it?” Annabel teases her.

“Well, don’t make it too easy for him.” Hana tells her. “Werewolves, especially ranked members, like a

good hunt.”

“What about you, Jara?” Layan asks me. “Everyone saw you come back in the room last night holding

hands with that Alpha.”

“Mason.” I say, and I can’t help but smile. I look at them before blushing. “He kissed me.”

There’s a lot of squealing and clapping. “Tell us everything.”

“What was it like?”

“Was it wonderful?”