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The Claiming by Cooper

Chapter 22
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Is this what it’s supposed to be like? What it used to be like? Meeting someone, getting to know them,

and starting to really like them? I’m finding that the more time I spend with Mason the more time I want to

spend with him.

I also find that I really enjoy kissing Mason. I was embarrassed when I blurted out that I wanted kisses.

But there’s something intimate about it that doesn’t feel like it’s moving toward sex. I’m sure it could and

does sometimes, but it’s also its own intimate interaction, and I really like it. Apparently, he likes kissing

me too, since he gave me free reign to kiss him anytime.

The more I speak to him, the more he seems like Seth, and that is a good thing. I could easily see myself

falling for Mason. We have easy conversation the rest of the walk. I enjoy talking to him. He doesn’t

come across as pompous or arrogant.

“I saw you speaking to one of my pack members earlier this evening.” He says, and I’m not sure if he’s

happy about that or upset that I was speaking to one of his pack members.

“Yes, Callum. He asked to speak to me.”

He nods, before speaking. “He’s a good warrior, a good man. He would make a good mate and he would

treat you well.” He says. I’ m guessing he thinks I’m interested in his pack member because I spoke to


“Interesting. He said the same thing about you.” I say and get an instant reaction. Mason stops and turns

to look at me.

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“He did?”

“Are you surprised by this?”

He thinks about this for a moment. “Well, yes, actually. You’re an Alpha female, the biggest ‘prize’,” he

uses air quotes, “of the year. I’ m surprised he would be willing to tell you anything positive about any of

your other claimants.”

“Oh, he didn’t say anything about anyone but you. I guess it would really surprise you then to know that

when I asked him, he said that if it came down to you or him, he would defer to you, allow you to catch


I watch the emotions play out over his face. Disbelief, awe, sadness then finally appreciation. “My pack

members know this is my last chance, Jara. They worry about me, about the future of the pack,

understandably so. Many of them have another year, two, maybe more to have a chance to find a mate,

but this is my last year.”

I cup his face in my hand. “Then tell me why, Alpha Mason, you are removing yourself from every other

lottery. Why, if this is your last chance, are you only giving yourself the one chance with me?”

He takes my face in both his hands. “Haven’t you realized it yet, Jara. I’m drawn to you. Not because

you’re an Alpha, although, as we’ve discussed that is part of it. But I’m attracted to you for more than

your rank. You are intelligent, protective, fierce. Do I think you would be a great Luna for my pack?

Absolutely. But I also think you would be a great partner for me, someone that I could enjoy talking to,

spending time with,” he smiles before leaning in to me, “kissing frequently.”

His lips touch mine and I’m lost again in the sensations that his warm, soft lips give me. It’s almost as if

my lips are tingling at his touch.

When he pulls away, I don’t open my eyes immediately. “Kissing is good.” I say and even to my own

ears, my voice is breathy.

He chuckles and I open my eyes. “As I said, Jara. You are welcome to kiss me any time the urge strikes


That reminds me of something else Luke said earlier. I frown. “Is it true that the time you are spending

with me is causing other Alphas to put a target on your back?”

He shrugs. “Does it look like I’m concerned?”

I frown. “I wouldn’t want you to get injured or…or worse because of me.”

“Is it only me that you are concerned about Jara, or are you equally concerned about everyone in your


“Well, of course, I don’t want the omegas and warriors injured or killed just because they are hopeful of

catching me.”

“That’s not what I asked, and you know it.”

“Do you want my honest answer?”


“Well.” I hesitate. I’m not sure if this will change Mason’s mind about me making a good Luna. “I have to

admit, I was perfectly happy for all of you to kill each other off before my claiming, keeping me from being

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forced into this freak show because I’m a female.”

He looks at me curiously. “And now?”

“Well, something Alpha Antonio said when our rooms were attacked last night made me see things a bit


His hands are on my hips, his thumbs rubbing across my hip bones. It’s very distracting.

“And what was that?” He asks.

“I realized that not all of you agree with this process. That some of the Alphas, the good ones, realize

that this process is a problem, not just for the she-wolves, but also for the pack members you may lose

because of the infighting and aggression caused by the competition.”

“Alpha Antonio is correct. This entire process needs to be overhauled. I’ve tried on my end, but with so

many changes in leadership, it’s nearly impossible to get anything passed.” He looks. at me a moment.

“So, it’s not only me. I guess I was being hopeful.”

“I didn’t say that. It’s just, now I have an understanding of the bigger picture from your perspective.


“But…?” He leans in, gently tugging my hips against his, running his nose across my jawline.

“But, while I understand and would be concerned if someone else was injured or killed during my

claiming, I would be very upset if something happened to you, Mason.”

“Mmmm, I’m glad to know you care.”

I look him straight in the eye. “I do. Please be careful Mason. I’m serious.”

“I promise. And, unless my Beta catches Hana, he’ll be there with me. We have a plan to make sure one

of us claims you.” He says, an arrogant smile on his face.

My answering smile is just as arrogant. “Good luck catching me,
