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The Claiming by Cooper

Chapter 272
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The Contest by Cooper (Jaxon & Evangeline)

Chapter 72 (Jaxon)

Several hours later, Eve and I head back downstairs to meet up with our families. It’s only a couple of hours before

dinner and many people have already started to arrive for the festivities. It’s an exciting time, one that will most

likely never happen again in our lifetime.

The energy and excitement are palpable, and all of the Alpha families will be arriving either tonight or tomorrow

morning. As we enter the dining hall, we see that it’s been set up with televisions that are playing recaps of the

events and showing all of the contestants in those events, starting with the first race.

“It’s hard to believe that we’ve been doing this for over half a year,” Eve says to me, just as we hear someone call

her name.

“Evie!” Makayla says, rushing over and throwing herself in Eve’s arms.

“Hi, Makayla! Are you here with Mom and Dad or Alejandro?”

“Alejandro. Mom and Dad are coming tomorrow morning, but I wanted to be here to enjoy the party tonight,” she

says, full of enthusiasm. “And look how big you’ve gotten!”

“Thanks, I think. I feel big,” Eve says as Alejandro walks up to us.

“Hey sis. Hey Jaxon.”

“Alejandro, it’s good to see you,” I say.

“You as well,” he says, before hugging Eve. “You’re looking good, sis.” Not much later, Jordan arrives with my sister


“Hello, my beautiful sisters! Jordan, I wasn’t expecting you until tomorrow,” I say, hugging them both.

“Since my Beta and Gamma are no longer in the competition, I feel comfortable being away from the pack

overnight. Plus, Mom and Dad aren’t coming until tomorrow, so they can cover if anything is needed.”

“Yeah, about that…” I say as Raelyn rushes over to say hi to Makayla. I think they bonded over being the only ones

in their families too young to compete in the contest.

“What’s up with Jace resigning from the competition?” I ask Jordan.

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She blows out a breath. “That’s a conversation, not a simple answer.”

I look at my sister, seeing an unfamiliar strain around her eyes.

“You want me to take him out for you?” I offer, only half joking.

“Nah, I can take him out if I need to,” she says, smiling.

I wrap my arm around her shoulders, pulling her to me and kissing the side of her head. “We need a twin day soon.

I feel like I’m out of t*ouch with what’s going on with you.”

“Says the man who may have one, possibly two packs he needs to resurrect and a baby on the way,” she says. “I

think you have enough on your plate, Jaxon.”

“I always have time for you, Jordan. Besides, Jax Jr. will need to meet his Aunt Jordan,” I say smiling.

“Is that what you’re naming him?” she asks me.

“I’m not sure yet, but even Eve is calling him Jaxon Junior now,” I say smiling. It started as a joke once I knew we

were having a boy, but it has stuck and for the last two months that’s what we’ve been calling him. I’m not sure I

could call him anything else now.

“He’ll be Auntie Jordan’s little JJ,” she coos.

I chuckle. “It has a ring to it.”

“So, I’m guessing you’re feeling confident that you’re in the top 10, but how did Eve do? She was at a disadvantage

being pregnant.”

“This last one was hard for her. Between needing to use the bathroom several times and being uncomfortable

sitting for such a long period of time, she said she didn’t finish one of the scenarios.”

“What were the scenarios?” she asks me as we watch Eve talking to Magdalena, Rowan, Makayla and several other

females. I notice Flavia has joined the group and based on the way the two of them are rubbing their stomachs, I’m

guessing they are talking about babies.

I tell Jordan the list of scenarios that we had to write to, and she whistles. “Damn, that was intense.”

“It really was. Plus, it’s not like I really know how I did. It’s a bit subjective based on the council’s grading of our


“But you’re still confident that you’ve won a pack?” she asks me again. “Yeah, I feel pretty confident. Honestly, I’ll

be devastated if one of us doesn’t win. I want Aunt Mila’s pack. I just feel like it should be kept in the family. Eve and

I have already started to think of ways we can rebuild it.”

She slaps her hand on my shoulder. “Jaxon, I’ve never known you not to get something you wanted. I’m positive

you’ll have your pack. Whether or not you get the one you want is another story, but I know you, I know you think

like an Alpha. I’m sure your answers were great.”

“Thanks, sis.”

The rest of the night is much the same. The atmosphere remains festive as more and more Alpha families arrive.

At one point, Eve comes up to me. “Have you seen Lazio?” she asks me. “No, where is he.”

“Over there,” she says and points to where I see her brother sitting with an auburn-haired female who looks just a

bit older than him. Their heads are close together and they have managed to separate themselves from everyone


“Who is she? She looks like Luna McKenna’s daughter,” I say.

“That’s Phoebe, Luna McKenna and Alpha Davis’s daughter. She was eliminated in the first round,” she says, looking

at me meaningfully.

“So, maybe that’s why he couldn’t find his mate? Because she was already eliminated?” I ask.

“That’s my guess, and she’s about a year older than him, so she’d be feeling the bond more strongly that he is, but

neither of them is 18 yet.”

“I wonder how your dad will feel about him moving to build his own pack before he’s 18,” I say.

“Hopefully, he’s learned his lesson. From what Maggie says, he isn’t giving her any grief about planning to move to

whatever pack Caleb wins, if he wins,” she says.

“Magdalena is only a couple of months from turning 18, Lazio isn’t yet 17,” I say.

I shrug. “I guess they’ll have to figure it out.”

“I wonder how Alejandro will feel if Lazio becomes Alpha before he does. Granted, it won’t be to a full pack like

Alejandro will inherit, but still. Alejandro is the older brother and Lazio could take his pack first.”

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“If he wins,” Eve says.

“If he wins.” I confirm.

The next day, there are events and mini competitions that recreate the different contests for those that weren’t

able to compete. The mood is much more festive with a bit of competition thrown in, but overall, everyone is

having a good time.

As the day goes on, and it gets closer to dinner time and the time of the announcements, the tension in the air

begins to grow.

When dinner is announced, the room is packed, just like it was on the night of the first competition. Every Alpha

family has someone in the final stage of the contest, so every member of every Alpha family is here. Not only that,

many have found their mates during this contest, so some are not only rooting for their family, but their mates as


I focus on staying calm, knowing any additional stress that I feel will impact Eve. I don’t want her nerves impacting

the baby. Over dinner, I force myself to eat, asking her to do the same. I continue to reach out and t*ouch her,

helping her to remain calm, but as dinner winds down, the tension in the room is so thick you could cut it with a


Finally, Councilman Jason walks to the front of the room.

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you all for coming to participate in this momentous occasion. Tonight,

we will announce the top ten competitors in this contest that has lasted for over half a year. As you know, this

contest has been grueling and difficult and only the strongest and toughest competitors have lasted to this point.

Tonight, our ten winners will be announced in order of their ranking in the contest and then, they will be able to

choose their new pack lands. Tomorrow, before you leave, you will sign contracts, taking over as the new Alphas of

those packs. For those of you who have mates, your mates will also sign as co-Alphas, Lunas, or whatever position

you agree for them to take.”

I’m so nervous, I feel like my dinner might come back up. I lean over and kiss Evangeline. “No matter what

happens, I love you,” I tell her. “And I love you,” she says, stroking my face.

“Without further ado, the first winner and top ranked Alpha is…”