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The Claiming by Cooper

Chapter 290
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The Claiming by Cooper Book 4

The Beta Trials by Cooper (Jace & Jordan)

Chapter 17 (Jordan)

After checking on my patrols and sending the ones with bites and scratches to the pack hospital, I send a mind link

to my father letting him know the rogues were taken care of. I’ll need to reconnect Jaxon to my pack before I leave

so he can use the mind link. ‘Griffin is sending more patrols to watch over Taylor’s land,’ my father tells me.

‘Good, because several of my patrols were injured and isn’t there some concern for them being bitten or scratched

by someone with feral fever?’ I ask him.

‘The wolves had feral fever?’ he asks, concern evident in his voice.

‘According to my patrols, they weren’t normal wolves dad.’

‘I’ll get Councilman Jason and head over to the pack hospital to see what they doctors are saying. I’m guessing we’ll

need to put your patrols into quarantine for the time being, honey. I’ m sorry, but it’s probably the only way to be


‘I understand, Dad. Their mates and pups may not, but I do,’ I say, closing the mind link and sighing.

“That’s the third time you’ve sighed in the last two minutes, Jordan. What’s up?” Jace asks me as we hear Griffin’s

patrols heading our way.

“Dad says our patrols that were bitten or scratched will have to go into quarantine until we know for sure that those

wolves didn’t have feral-fever.”

“I thought we were immune to that.” Jace says. “Wasn’t that like a huge deal with our generation, the immunity to

feral fever and the claiming haze?”

“It was, but we don’t know if that’s what this is. Remember, these rogues haven’ t been part of a pack. The patrols

said they only saw males and those males were acting erratically. We’ll have to bring in the scientists to do blood

samples. Hopefully, even if it is a new strain, they will be able to come up with a vaccine for it. The whole issue of

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

feral fever in males was because of the limited female population. Or, at least, that’s what I remember my parents

telling me.”

“It sounds right. So, do we need to call the lead scientist? I think it’s the same one from our parents’ generation,

right? His daughter is still too young to have taken over?”

“Yes. I understand he found his mate a year or so after the last claiming, and they had a pup, a female, but she

would be a couple years younger than me still, so maybe she’ll be involved. We’ll have to see.”

By the time we get back to the packhouse, my mom and Aunt Hana are helping people out of the safe rooms. I jog

up to my mother. “Do you need anything? I want to head over to the pack hospital and check on my patrols.”

“Go, we’ve got this. The council canceled the rest of today’s meeting and they’ve called in Dr. Braxton and his

daughter. She’s studying to be a doctor and will most likely follow in her father’s footsteps, so I guess it’s good that

we have her.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

I leave Jace to help Elijah make sure everyone is set up for the afternoon, having a place to work and some privacy

to call their packs and make arrangements to increase their own patrols. In addition, several of the previous

generation went out hunting for the rogues but lost their scent in the rivers and lakes in between pack lands.

In total, I have six patrol members that have to be quarantined. I spend the rest of the afternoon and evening

speaking with mates and family members, explaining what happened and why their loved ones are in quarantine.

We make arrangements for them to be able to speak to their loved ones so they know that they aren’t alone, and I

also went around to each of them, letting them know that Jace, Elijah and I will be by every day that they are in

quarantine to check on them and make sure that they don’t need anything.

They were appreciative and understanding, even though they are unhappy about having to be separated from their

mates. I had the hospital set up a kid’s area where the pups could play while parents talked and had them also set

up spaces for the pup-less mates to stay in the hospital if they wanted to be closer to their mates.

By the time that is done, it’s late. I head back to the packhouse, my head spinning with everything that is going on,

what it could mean and trying to decide if I feel better or not that the rogue Alpha has set his sights on Taylor.

Is that because he came across her pack and she’s an easier target, or was she always the target? Am I safe or am

I still at risk if the opportunity presents itself for this rogue Alpha to capture me. And what about the other rogue

pack? What is that Alpha doing? Is he also on the prowl? Now that they know there are two female Alphas, will they

divide and conquer and come after both of us?

And then, I’m worried about my pack members while I’m gone. I now have a group in quarantine and the pack is on

edge, waiting to see if we’re going to be attacked by rogues. The news of the quarantine will have gone around the

pack already, making them even more nervous. Should I change my plans about going to meet with the bears? I

feel like it’s important to get the information, and something inside me is telling me that it needs to be me that


And then, of course, there’s Nolan. I have no idea what it means that he is Taylor’s mate. Are she and I so much

alike that our mates dated the other person? She and I have never been close. She was always much more

competitive than I was, always acting like she had to prove herself, which I guess she did.

These are the thoughts rolling around in my head when I get to the packhouse. It’s quiet inside. I can hear

murmurings around the packhouse, but in general, it’s so late that everyone has gone to bed.

My stomach rumbles, but I ignore it. I missed dinner. Again. Oh well, there’s always breakfast.

I climb the stairs to my floor and make my way to my room. As soon as I open the door, I can smell Jace’s scent of

honey roasted almonds. He’s been in my room. I look around, wondering what he was doing here and then I see it,

a plate of food sitting on my desk with a note on top.

I pick up the note, and then pull the covering off the food. Two wraps, one turkey and ham and the other roast beef,

with a plate full of potato chips. I grab a wrap, taking a bite and nearly moaning out loud it tastes so good. Or

maybe I’m just that hungry. Then I open the note.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm


I know you didn’t eat tonight. You haven’t left the hospital all night. I know, I checked on you several times. All the

visitors are comfortable and have contacted their packs. Everyone had dinner and Elijah and I set up couple of bars

so everyone could mingle and talk afterward.

Don’t worry about the patrol members in quarantine. The scientists will be here tomorrow, and we’ll figure it out.

Don’t worry about the trip to see the bears, we’ll make it work. I talked to Alpha Jaxon tonight and he is ready to

rejoin our pack for the time he’s here.

Don’t worry about the rogue Alpha coming after you and Taylor, we’ll keep both of you safe and we’ll figure out

what to do with them and the pack that hasn’t shown themselves yet. And finally, don’t worry about the mate bond

between Taylor and Nolan. Everything will work out the way it is supposed to.

I know me telling you not to worry about these things won’t change that you will. That’s who you are, but we have

some very long days ahead of us, Jordan, and you need your rest. So, try to shut your brain off, get some sleep and

we can talk in the morning.

Your Gamma and mate,


I read the note twice, downing the wraps as I do. How did he know everything that I was worrying about?

Am I that transparent? I mean, obviously all of those things are important and would be weighing on any Alpha’s

mind, but he makes it sound like he was in my head on my way home from the hospital just now.

I tentatively open the mind link and find Jace still awake.

“Thanks for the food.”

“Jordan, please tell me that you’re not contacting me from the shower again. If you are, so help me Goddess….” I

laugh out loud.

‘No, I’m finishing my potato chips, THEN I’m getting in the shower.’

I hear him grunt in the mind link. ‘I’m not sure that’s any better. No, it’s definitely not any better. But I’m glad

you’re back and have eaten. Shower off the day and get some rest, Jordan. I’ll see you in the morning.’

‘See you in the morning, Jace,’ I say, closing the mind link.

I shower and dress in my comfortable pajamas before crawling into bed and staring up at the ceiling.

You didn’t tell me not to worry about you, Jace. What am I going to do about you?