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The Claiming by Cooper

Chapter 33
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I made sure Jara was back in her housing before heading back to the main house. We are all on hold

until the new Elder arrives


Dinner is a somber affair. We’re all used to sitting around tables with a bunch of males and no females.

But now, there is the possibility that this year’s claiming will be cancelled. At best, one of the claimants

will be sent home.

I can hear the wolves around me talking about Layan. While we all want a mate, no one wants a

damaged mate. She could already be pregnant with the Alpha’s child. So, anyone that claimed her would

have to raise another man’s child. And given the state she was in when my warrior brought her out of the

claiming territory, it’s possible she’ll never have another child. It’s a lot to ask of most males, but

especially ranked members. No Alpha will want her now. Most other ranked members will give her a

pass if she does go back into the territory. She could save a warrior or omega from going feral, but that

may be all the use she has. Or at least, that’s how most will see her now, damaged and not worth the

effort of claiming.

I can feel Elijah getting more and more angry beside me as the conversations go on. Finally, he’s had

enough. He stands, addressing the room.

“She’s a f*cking person. Goddess, no wonder Alpha Jara and Beta Hana call us savages. Listen to

yourselves. That poor girl is in this state because one of US put her there. And now, she’s not worth your

time or energy? Maybe the females are right. Maybe we’d all be better off if our species died out. It

seems we’ve forgotten

what’s important. WE were supposed to protect HER. Yeah, it’s nice that she will save one us, that

makes one of us a lucky b*stard, but it’s not her job. As ranked members and warriors, it IS our job to

protect those that need our protection. And we failed. Everyone in this room failed that girl.”

I reach out and put my hand on his arm. He turns, snarling at my touch before collecting himself. “I’m

going for a run.” He turns and stalks out of the room. A room that is so quiet you can hear barely hear

anyone breathing. No one says anything more about Layan.

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I finish eating and head to my room. I lay in my bed thinking of earlier. I meant what I said to Jara. I will

protect Layan with my life and by doing so, I’ll protect Jara. While I love and appreciate her willingness to

do whatever it takes to protect Layan, I can’t let her risk her life. I won’t. She’s too valuable, too


The next morning, the new Elder arrives. Elijah didn’t come back. until early in the morning and it shows

on his exhausted face ast the Elder calls all the males to the meeting area.

“You good?” I ask Elijah as we walk out to the stage.

“Yeah, sorry about yesterday.”

“I know you didn’t mean it. We’re good.”

Once we’re all assembled, the Elder takes the stage. “I am Elder Jason. I am here to replace Elder

Carson. I have been briefed on the events that occurred with Omega Layan but I believe there are some

of you that also have information that you would like to share.”

He is an Alpha from a long line of Alphas. I can tell by the absolute power and authority in his voice. I feel

better knowing that this Elder is a true Alpha, like me. Too many Alphas are Alpha in title only, never

have descended from an Alpha line. Too many true

Alphas have gone feral leaving weaker wolves to run the packs.

Elder Jason looks down at a piece of paper in his hand. “Would Alphas Mason, Seth and Antonio please

join me after this meeting?” He looks up, finding each of us in the crowd and we nod.

“Good. The Claiming is currently under review. No additional claims will take place until I have completed

my assessment and made my judgement of what is to occur. For now, the rules still apply. Stay away

from the females unless approached by them. Social gatherings are on hold. Feel free to contact your

packs, complete work, spar, or go for runs, but there will be no more claiming activities until I reach my


“Any questions?”

“Can you ask the females if they would like to have social gatherings? I mean, we’re all here for them. I

know the omega, Layan, is probably not interested, but maybe the others are?”

The Elder looks out over the crowd. “I will ask them, but their decision is final until my verdict is reached.”

When no more questions are asked, he looks out at us again. “Elder Carson, you are asked to leave the

claiming territory immediately. We appreciate your time in this Claiming, your duties are now mine. The

rest of you are dismissed. Alphas Mason, Seth and Antonio, with me, please.” He says it as if it’s a

request, but the aura and authority in his voice let us know it’s a command. Yeah, I like this guy already.

The three of us follow Elder Jason into the main house and an office that looks like it was hastily set

aside for him. He pulls three chairs in front of a desk covered in papers before sitting down and making a

space on the desk, huffing loudly at the mess in front of


When he finally looks up, he takes a deep breath. “So, all three of you are true Alphas.” It’s more a

statement than a question, but we all agree with him anyway.

“Good, that makes this easier. Let’s start at the beginning, one at a time and tell me what you

experienced with this Alpha, your

concerns, and then what you witnessed when the Omega Layan was brought out of the claiming territory.

I start, giving all the details of what I witnessed and my discussion with Elder Carson. Seth goes next,

also indicating that he saw the Alpha acting erratically and had approached Elder Carson. Alpha Antonio

finishes up with his recollections of the Alpha, ending with him putting the Alpha down.

“You put the Alpha down? Not Elder Carson?”

“That’s correct. Elder Carson was suffering from being clawed by Alpha Jara when he tried to approach

Layan. He didn’t seem to understand the severity of the situation, as we’ve said, and she clawed him

down his face. I’m sure you saw the scars.”

“I did. So, he left his post, leaving you to deal with the Alpha?”

“That’s correct.”

“Anything else?”

“He tried to send her back into the territory. She was released from the hospital yesterday morning and

later that day, he brought

everyone together saying he was sending her back into the territory this morning.” Seth tells him.

“And yet, that didn’t happen.”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Alpha Jara and Beta Hana threatened to fight the entire group of males, including the Elder to keep her

from going in.” I say.

His eyes go wide. He turns to Seth. “Alpha Jara is your sister, correct?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

“Would she do it? Would she fight to the death to protect the omega?”

“Without a moment’s hesitation.” Seth confirms my worst fear.

The Elder nods, pulling a folder in front of him. “The omega has suffered quite a bit. She may have been

released, but her wounds will run deeper than the tears on her body.” He stands.

“You are dismissed. I need to speak to the omega. I’m assuming her family is here.”

“Yes, they are.” Alpha Antonio says.

We follow Elder Jason out and I begin walking with him to the female housing. “What are you going to

do?” I ask.

“Alpha, I appreciate your input, but my decision is none of your business until I’ve spoken to the omega,

Layan, and her family.”

We get to the gate around the female’s housing. “Alpha Mason, need I remind you that you are not able

to enter the females’ territory?”

“No Elder, I’m aware.” I say, worried about what is going to happen and what this Elder will decide. If I’m

not there to protect her, Jara will fight if he tries to send her back into the territory. And while I know she

can hold her own, this Alpha will give her a good fight, I’ m sure of it.

I begin pacing at the gate while I watch the Elder walk into the house. I turn, looking at one of the guards.

“Will you please tell Alpha Jara that I’m here, outside, if she needs me?”

He looks at me a long moment. “Yes, Alpha, I’ll tell her.”

He goes inside, returning to his post a few minutes later. I pace, watching the house, my wolf on edge

and wanting to be inside so l know what’s going on.

Nearly 30 minutes later, Jara comes jogging out of the house. She runs straight into my arms.

“He’s sending her home. Elder Jason is letting Layan go home with her family.”

Relief floods my system as I pull Jara in tight, holding her like I’ll never let her go. And I don’t plan to.