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The Claiming by Cooper

Chapter 42
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The next morning, Hana, Annabel and I head to the stage. Even with the changes that have gone on, the

loss of the Alpha, and ascension of a new Alpha, Elder Jason wants Annabel to enter the claiming

territory today.

I can tell she’s nervous. She, like the others, will have 24 hours to adjust to the territory. As Elder Jason

takes the stage, he comes to stand in front of Annabel.

“I have ensured that the claiming territory has been sufficiently cleaned, Annabel. If, at any point,

something goes wrong in the territory, I want you to howl for help. I’ll be listening and have trusted men

listening to make sure that you are safe. We’ll find you and bring you out of the territory.”

“Thank you, Elder.”

He moves to the podium and addresses the claimants. “Omega Annabel will be entering the claiming

territory today. She will have 24 hours before the claimants are able to enter the territory. I have already

informed Annabel that if she fears for her life, she can alert us and unlike in previous claimings, someone

will come for her. All of you in her claiming have been reassessed but if you do not follow the rules, you

will be eliminated. Any questions?”

When none are asked, he turns and escorts Annabel to the territory. At her request, I join her, holding her

hand. “You’ll be okay, Annabel. We knew something was wrong with the Alpha in Layan’s claim before he

ever went in. No one in your claim is showing any signs of going feral. Plus,” I say, giving a side eye to

Alpha Antonio who is already pacing, wanting to claim Annabel, “you have a good Alpha intent on

catching you.”

She turns to look at him and from the corner of my eye, I see him wink at her. She blushes and looks

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away as a soft smile graces her face. “Make him work for it, Annabel.”

“Yes, Alpha.” She says, hugging me before turning to face the claiming territory. She jogs into the

territory and as with Mignon and Layan, I stand and watch until I can’t see her any longer.

“I’ve been very impressed with you, Alpha Jara.” Elder Jason says as we walk back to the stage. “I’ll be

very interested to see who claims you and what great things you do once you are in your own pack.”

“Thank you Elder.” I say, as he goes to step back on the stage.

“Would you join me? I need to announce that the rest of those who haven’t been reassessed need to

sign up today. Only your claiming is left.”

“Of course.” I tell him and move to stand beside him on the stage.

He announces that those who are left must submit to assessment today or remove themselves from the


“Will Alpha Jara and Beta Hana be helping us recover today like they did for the others yesterday?” An

omega asks.

“Yes, I will.” I say and Hana speaks out from the front of the stage. “As will I.”

No one declines reassessment and the rest of the day is much like yesterday, with Hana and I assisting

others as they finish reassessment.

However, at one point, Alpha Typhon comes in, requesting that I help him. I really have no interest in

helping him and I was hoping that he would fail, but we don’t always get what we wish for.

“I’ve got it.” Hana says to me, coming over to sit with Typhon.

“Beta Hana, I requested Alpha Jara’s assistance.” He tells her.

“And she’s busy, Alpha Typhon. I’m afraid it’s me or no one.” Hana holds firm.

He starts to growl, but it cuts off quickly as he reaches up to hold his head. When Hana touches his

head, he noticeably relaxes.

I take the next two that come in, and Seth and Mason are back to assist us with their pack members.

Alpha Antonio is on the field in front of the claiming territory, listening for sounds from Annabel, much like

Beta Asher did before Mignon’s claiming. I told him I would look after his pack if he wanted to stay.

When a third person comes into the room, not from Seth’s or Mason’s pack, Hana beckons them over.

Alpha Typhon growls, wanting all her attention.

“Suck it up, Alpha. If you can’t share like everyone else, get out.” Mason says to him, having no

sympathy for his selfish ways.

Typhon lays his head back and Hana puts her hand back on his head, reaching out to help the warrior

that just came in. When the next person comes in, it’s time for Typhon to leave. Yet, he refuses.

“I need more time.” He complains as Hana tells him his time is up.

“You get the same amount of time as everyone else, Alpha. And your time is up.” When Typhon refuses

to move, Seth and Mason come to the couch where he is sitting, our guards surrounding him from


“Did you need assistance leaving, Typhon? We’d be happy to help you out.” Seth says to him. The two of

them standing menacingly

over him.

He growls again before standing and stomping out of the room.

When the day finally comes to a close, we join the males in their dining hall for dinner. We sit with

Mason, Seth, Elijah and a couple other warriors from Mason’s pack. The atmosphere at our table is fun

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and easy.

When we’re done, I subtly remind Mason that he has something to make up for.

“I’ll meet you in our usual place?”

“I’ll see you there in a few minutes.” I tell him.

I notice Hana and Seth making similar plans. I turn, intending to follow Mason, when I nearly walk into


“Alpha Jara. A word.”

I look up into Alpha Typhon’s angry eyes. “What’s that?”

“In private.” He takes my arm and attempts to steer me away from the others. I snarl loudly at him and a

moment later, Seth is beside me, gripping Typhon’s wrist.

“Let go of my sister, before I break your arm.” Seth snarls at him.

“Alpha Typhon.” Elder Jason calls loudly. We all stop and look at him.

“I understand you barely passed reassessment. Don’t give me a reason to remove you from the claiming.

The rules are clear. You may not attempt to force a contestant into having any type of interaction with

you. Remove your hand from Alpha Jara immediately or I will have you removed from the claiming.”

Typhon turns to me, and I make a point to continue to hold his angry gaze. He finally releases me.

“Your time with Alpha Jara is over this evening, Alpha Typhon. If there is another incident, you will be

removed from the claiming altogether.”

He turns, pushing his way out of the dining hall, snarling all the


“Are you okay?” Seth asks, pulling me into a hug.

“Yes, thank you. Go spend time with Hana.”

“I’ll walk you out. I know you’re meeting up with Mason.”

“Thanks Seth.” He walks me out and watches until I join Alpha Mason, before turning to go find Hana.