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The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize by M C

Chapter 114
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114: It's War Third Person POV Bullets were flying everywhere. The O'Donnell clan was pinned down against the walls. They took shelter by overturning the tables. Several civilians were shot and screaming in pain on the floor and swere lying on the floor, unresponsive. There was panic also outside as four armed men continued to shoot inside the small local eatery.

Dimitry try was watching from behind, commanding his men to shoot high to not shoot his girl but to kill the men, but in a moment of sheer luck, Kai and one of the guards were able to get bullseye shots in three of the four gunmen outside, their insides splattering the now disserted sidewalk.

“Fuck!” Dimitry cursed and he quickly left the vicinity to a nearby waiting vehicle, disappearing like a ghost.

The men inside waited a few moments after all becsilent. Several men led by Jason went after the retreating enemy only to be met with no leads. The remaining men secured the unrecognizable establishment and several of the men started administering first aid to those who were wounded. Luckily only one guard got a bullet graze on his shoulder. No other casualties.

Kia and Ben stayed with a shaking Aurora while Charlie got on the phone with headquarters no doubt trying to get answers and get ready for damage control. Police sirens were heard in the distance and soon the local sheriff's office and sambulances were on site. A crowd now gathered down the street.

Aurora remained clutched to Ben like a Koala. He was there. He was real. He had cto take her back and she was so scared. Aurora lost track of tas she clung from Ben to Charlie to Kai and finally to Jason. They took turns makin sure she was okay. Jason and Charlie were able to convince the restaurant and the police to leave them out of reports and soon a small army of cars crolling to a stop in front. A new wave of armed guards exited sy of the vehicles and soon everyone was settled in the motorcade and they went straight to the airstrip where their private jet was geared up and ready to go.

“I'm sorry sweetheart,” Charlie said against Aurora’s ear as she settled down on his lap while they were settling down in the plane. “This was supposed to be a fun, relaxing vacation for the next three weeks. We have to cut our trip short, but we will make it up to you. | promise, my love.” He continued to kiss her forehead and Aurora just nodded numbly.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

She honestly was okay with going home. Once again she found herself holding her belly.

Once the flight took off, Aurora felt unsettled. She rushed to the bathroom and made it just in tbefore her insides started coming back up. Ben followed her, held her hair, and rubbed her back. She rested her head against the cool seat of the toilet when she was done.

She asked for a few minutes to herself after brushing her teeth and Ben let her shut the door reluctantly. She opened the cabto grab a washcloth and found a pregnancy test box. She contemplated for a moment before grabbing it.

Three minutes later she stared at the test while sitting on the floor. She allowed herself a few more minutes of solitude before there was a knock on the bathroom door.

“Love, you okay?” Jason's voice rang out.

“Um, yeah, Coming!” Aurora replied. She wiped her tears and put the test in her cross-body woven straw purse the 1/3 54% 114: It's War guys had bought for her. She opened the door to see Jason waiting for her. He held out his hand and she took it with a small smile on her face.

They sat back in their lounge area. After a little time, she got up the nerve to tell them what was going on.

“Um, hey, can | talk to you for a minute?” She whispered. The guys were all busy on their laptops but they stopped what they were doing and turned their attention to their bride.

“Of course baby, what's up?” Kai asked sweetly.

“Um, well, you see...” Aurora started fidgeting with her hands trying to find the words. “Um. Back in the village the old woman...” Aurora was interrupted by a shrill ringing of a cell phone.

“Shit. I'm sorry love, givejust a minute.” Jason said looking at the caller ID. “Speak.” He commanded into the phone. There was silence for a moment before Jason’s face looked like a rabid dog. He stood up and walked out of the room but not before snapping his fingers and the guys quickly got up to follow him.

Ben went over to the still-nervous Aurora and kissed her quickly before saying “Stay here. Something is going on and we need to handle it. We will be back as quickly as possible, just relax okay.” He smiled and hurried out, taking his computer with him.

“Okay,” Aurora mumbled when he was already out of the room. “By the way, you are going to be daddies.” She whispered and then chuckled to herself before she curled up on the sofa and fell asleep.

Meanwhile, in the front of the plane, the guys were in a situation room surrounded by several guards who were typing away furiously on laptops along with Ben who was currently fighting a nasty little computer virus. The others were trying to secure other systems that were not hooked up to the main circuit system and helping secure sof the properties that were already under attack.

The others were on the phone barking orders.

Yes. The Rho D team is en route now. ETA 10. Call in the Epsilon C and Gamma B teams t Warehouses 4, 33, and 57. Follow evac routes... 7 and 9. Issue a full Code Rose Blossom along with Code Fig Tree. All available hands need to be on deck... Yeah... No.... Okay... Bye.” Jason had been talking to one of the commanders. He had a list of all the properties in front of him. He dialed another commander.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Code Rose Blossom was a complicated lockdown procedure in case of attacks. Any merchandise was to be secured as quickly as possible in an order of importance. Weapons and custom jobs are to be locked up first as they are the most valuable and often the most destructive. Drugs are last as they are replaceable.

Code Fig Tree is when all personnel shall be armed and secure the closest facility as there is a credible threat to safety. The soldiers shall follow the training protocol. If they are outgunned or there is a breech that cannot be contained, they are to seek shelter in the bunkers and alert the system for reinforcements.

Charlie was talking to one of the accountants. “We need to allocate funds froin 290765 to 95 8 2 3 4 6 2. Send 108 to Gustus Tsolomytis for reinforcement. 209 to Compound 4.98 to our Eastern partners. Yes, the Ivanovic clan.” Kai was on the phone with his Omega team. “call the Calvary to headquarters. Code Fig Tree, Oscar, send six more troops to the main house. We will be landing in 6 hours. | want a full debrief of the situation when we arrive.” 2/3 114: It's War The Romanov Mafia had attacked several warehouses, one major port, and three very large office buildings. All were in their Europe division except one causing massive destruction. One of the warehouses was a major manufacturing plant for weapons. Luckily, the bombs that went off did not fully penetrate the underground facility and the men were able choice to lock it down without further incident. The port was overrun by thugs of the Romanov and the men had no but to retreat. The office buildings were heavily fortified and backup was on its way (Rho D team).

The men were initiating a full lockdown of all their properties as there was no way to know what else was going to be attacked. Everyone was on high alert.

For the next 6 hours, the men continued to work tirelessly securing their properties all over the world and giving assistance to those who needed it. Two hours after they started, the Romanov and Marco clans attacked several more warehouses across the globe but luckily they were already evacuated. However, it just wasn’t the O'Donnell Mafia that took a hit. They also attacked a few properties and the houses of the Tsolomytis and Hershel families.

At the four-hour mark, the first reports of casualties and damage cin and the numbers were infuriating.

Luckily there was a takedown at two of the properties in Germany where the men were able to sneak up on the Russian scum and execute all of them. Thirty-nine confirmed kills, a big victory. There were three confirmed deaths on the O'Donnell side and over one hundred verified injuries but only a few were labeled as severe and critical. Sadly, many civilians were caught in the crossfire. Those numbers were still being counted and it may take weeks to sift through the rubble left behind in the attacks. Hour five everything was eerily quiet. There were no attacks and no sightings as if they were ghosts.

When they landed, a sea of armed men greeted their leaders. The sun was peeking out of the horizon as to say “Good Morning not knowing that by the end of the day, Jason and his men planned to paint the sky With the blood of their enemies once and for all.

ne of the leading commanders cright up to Jason when they disembarked and said the words that they wanted to hear “We have a lead where Marco is. He's close but staying in the shadows. They had no idea just how close he actually was.

“Excellent!” Jason said excitedly.

“Kai, suit up and get your team ready. This is your wheelhouse. Charlie, letknow what the reports say. Ben, | know you want to check in with your nerd herd. | will get Aurora hand check in with our allies and we can regroup in the black office when you are all done.” Jason said and ushered Aurora into the most armored car and off they went back to the house.