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The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize by M C

Chapter 88
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An Tto Gang Sing Dindtry raises fals gun arut fires a few shots as far backs us both tramands the Four of the w*.** and back He parshesroughly against the wall and hits a furto Soon stent doors opens up beside you and be roughly pullInside before the doors close just in tiron for a few taillets to richet off the wall We are in an elevator and going up.

| A few moments later, the doors open to a hallway adeaned rematally similar to the hallway ever but we certainly not stopping to look at the artwork! He leadsin a death grip on my neck to a set of stairs and we eventually make conway inside. When filing and puffing trying to catch my breath since my ribs are bevised, | see Chimitry shoot a panel on the wall Sparks fly like He proceeds to gralsonce again and placesin the crease of his arm, printing the gun at my heart. My body in sore, | feel weak from the loss of blood, yet I feel tage couring though my homes. He leadsto the side of the building. We are waiting for something | can one several buildings on fire below, lots of people scurrying about.

As the wind whips around us from the incoming Mades of a helicopter above us and the sounds of helfer caining below, | take a moment to silently wish I could see the faces of the men that | should hate but all | want is for them to embracein their strong arms and con sweet nothings in my ear one more time.

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Far pulled out of my head by the hot, wet, and rank tohacen breath of Dimitry “I am so looking forward to beating every last bit off hope in you my pet. | will quench your fire and make you the slave you are meant to be was already Tuning: How dare lart But before | could retort, | heard an explosion and the metal door we cthrough busted open in a heap of sparks. Out of the smoke, with guns raised, all clad in black like smoking hot fucking ninus cmy met | could see Jason, Charlie, and Kai. A few cuts and hruises littered their faces and Ints of blood splattered their bodies but they were here. For me! My men! My moment of hoge was interrupted by this little bitch, who tightened his hold even more, cutting my ceculation in my throat a bit just as the helicopter landed on the mod armes the building. A strong wind hits our faces like a solar Blast. He breathes down my neck and says in a loud whisper “Say goodbye to your worthless shit men. You are mine and they are about to die! | see countless men coming up in droves behind my men, they have their guns trained on my men and | can’t help but scream “JASON! WATCH OUT! He immediately turns behind him along with Charlie and Kai, and in an instant, they are all able to dodge the raining fire of bullets.

I see a bullet hit Kai's shoulder. “NO” Enough” | yell out. | begin to struggle in his grip.

| can wiggle enough so that his grip is loosened. This son of a walking slugworm just spent the last two days touring How dare he claimas his. How dare he threaten my family. How dare he take away everyone | love. | see cage And | find strength in my anger.

1 raise my right foot and with all my strength kick him backward right in the kneecap. He screams in pain and goes to hold his knee with both hands. “That was for my mom!” 23 88-Tto Sing | turn around and yell “This is for my dad!” Then | quickly backhand his face and watch his head whip to the other side. Blood coats his lips.

He sticks his hand out with his gun. | don’t hesitate and do a cool Jackie Chan arm swirl around his arm, putting his gun under my arm before bringing my knee up and pulling his arm down at the stime, effectively cracking his elbow joint. He drops his gun. Draco taughtthat move, that was for my aunt!” | think about Ben and how much blood | saw when he was shot. WHACK! | give him a menn right book. | think about Jason. Charlie, Kai. Smack! | use both my fists to pile and drive them into his shoulder.

| think about my life. | bring my open palms together and smack his ears and he is visibly discombobulated.

| think about all the pain he has caused so many people. | roughly kick at his ankles. | go for his knee again, making him scream in more pain.

| look over and see another bullet hit Charlie's leg! A spray of blood flies out of his wound like a Jackson Pollock painting. There are too many men.

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I hear snickering in front of me, and he reaches forso he can pulltoward the waiting helicopter on the other side of the building. No. More. Ms. Nice. Aurora! It's tto sing. | step into him and spin around using my elbow to thrust into his gut. Not once, not twice but 4 times! He grabs my waist once more trying to hold on.

| use his body as an anchor to lift my whole fragile body and slam it down on his foot. He howls out and steps back. | turn back around and using the technique Kai taught me, | shove the palm of my hand to his nose and thrust upward, once, twice, three times. He screams and brings his hands to his nose, blood is gushing out. He takes a few steps back and almost slips on the edge of the roof.

“I will NEVER be YOURS!” | scream.

If his glare could kill, I would be up in flames with a litter of bullets in my body. He pulls his spare gun from his holster, but | see something he doesn’t.

| scream like a battle cry and raise my foot and kick him so hard in the groin. He falters in his step and like a slow motion picture he flails his arms as he flies over the edge.

| watch as horror fills his blood-soaked face, but he still raises his gun as he begins to fall.


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