Chapter 3 I hear piercing screams, the sound of shattering glass, a savage roar, an Alphas growls, struggling, and fighting.
Something hot splashes against my face and arms.
My claws shred, and my canines tear.
I cant stop.
I cant.
Rage consumesfrom the inside, demanding release.
I dont know what Im doing.
Im not conscious of myself.
All I know is that when I regain control of my body, the first thing I see is my blood-soaked hands.
Im kneeling on the floor, everything arounddrenched in red, wreckage, and pieces of what once was a powerful AlphaDorian.
What have I done? What in the nof the Goddess have I done?! I stare at his severed head, lying just a meter away from me.
Those honey-colored eyes still stare back atin frozen terror, and I feel bile rising in my throat.
I vomit to the side, unable to hold it back, disgusted by this scene of death and violence.
Did I do all this? Theres no one else here.
I scan the area, not knowing where Sophia went.
The only thing Im sure of is that someone was thrown through the shattered glass window, the jagged edges stained with blood.
I stand up on trembling legs, glance down, but all I see is the forest behind the house and bloodstains across the grass.
Dont let her escape! Sophia, stop crying and tellclearly what happened! Voices shouted, hurried footsteps ascending the stairs.
It was my mother-in-laws voice.
I had to get out of here.
I had killed the Alpha, and only a painful death awaited me.
Desperately, I looked down.
It seemed I had thrown that wretch Sophia out the window.
I decided to jump out myself, from the second floor.
BAM! The door burst open during my hesitation, and my eyes locked with Anaís, my mother-in-law, the former LunaDorians mother.
I saw the shock, the pain, and the fury in her eyes as she took in the scene.
You miserable bitch! You killed my son! You murdered my Dorian, you whore! Seize her! Restrain her! Im going to tear her apart with my bare hands! She screamed, and the warriors behind her charged at me.
I jumped without thinking.
Aaagghhh! I groaned in pain as I crashed onto the grass, rolling over, but I forced my body to shift into my wolf form and ran with all the strength I had left.
I fled into the forest as fast as my weakened legs allowed, escaping death.
I dont know if it was adrenaline or sheer will to live, but I ran like a madwoman through unfamiliar lands and tangled woods.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtDays passed that way, where I only stopped to rest when I was on the verge of collapse, drinking water from mountain streams and feeding on prey that somehow appeared dead before me.
Yes, yet another strange thing about my life.
The few times I dared to close my eyes, every tI woke up, a small dead animal lay in front of my muzzle.
I devoured them without knowing if they were poisonous or where they cfroml just needed energy.
All I could think about was surviving.
One night, I felt them again.
I thought they had grown tired of chasing my trail, but that wasnt the case.
The sound of multiple wolves footsteps echoed not far away.
Desperation and exhaustion consumed mel couldnt keep running forever.
I had been skirting the borders of various packs, trying not to get caught, but that wasnt a solution.
Shes just ahead! I can smell her! That damn bitch will pay for this! I heard a snarlalready so close to my trail.
I could practically feel the danger breathing down my neck as I pushed my legs and lungs past their limit.
I was done.
They were going to catchafter all this effort.
Then I lifted my blue eyes and saw themabove me, a flock of crows.
Cawing, circling over my wolf form, as if trying to leadsomewhere.
And for sreason, I followed them.
I followed their sign and ventured deeper into unfamiliar landsinto the forbidden forest where no one dared enter without an invitation.
But I had nothing left to lose.
If I was going to die, at least let it be quick and without torture.
Thats how I crossed through the mist, leadingto the Golden Moon pack, the territory guarded by the Guardiansthe land ruled by the Lycan King.
***** I felt like no one was followinganymore.
I had no idea how far I had gone into Golden Moon territory, but suddenly, several powerful warriors blocked my path, surrounding me.
Who are you, and why have you trespassed into our pack? a massive gray wolf asked coldly, approachingmenacingly.
The black wolf I shifted into, so small and fragile, would be considered an Omegathe lowest rank in the pack, the weakest, often reduced to servitude.
That was why, when I becLuna, I had felt foolishly grateful to Dorian.
Im only seeking refuge to rest... Im sorry for entering your forest.
Just a few days, please... I only need a few days to recover and leave.
I pleaded, praying my pursuers wouldnt dare followhere.
Where do you cfrom? Speak! Why did you cross the Forbidden Forest? No one comes here for no reason! Tell the truth, or III rip your head off right now! He growled, shovingwith his shoulder.
I let out a low whimper of pain, unable to resist.
Before he could take further action or carry out his threats, darkness consumed my vision, and I felt my body collapse unconscious to the ground.
Maybe this time, I wouldnt wake up again.
***** The next tI opened my eyes, I was in a dark, damp cell, wearing tattered clothes barely covering my battered human body.
Only the Goddess knows how Im still alive.
It seems she wantsto sufferslowly and torturously.
BAM! The sound of a metal door slamming jolted me.
So, youre finally awake! Take her out! A massive, bald, intimidating man ordered two guards, who draggedout.
It was that gray wolf.
I didnt even have the strength to walk, let alone resist.
They tookto a small room where the questioning begantrying to dominatewith his Alpha presence.
But it didnt work.
I had no inner wolf to submit.
I spent hours there, sitting on a hard chair, my hands tied behindwith ropes cutting into my skin.
No matter how much freezing water they threw at me, how much they shouted or threatened, I kept my story and waited to die.
My head hung limply, eyes closed, exhausted.
At least they hadnt beatenor done worse.
Ive heard horrible stories about this pack of barbarians.
Since you refuse to talk, you know what awaits you.
Ive given you the chance to confess.
His dark eyes locked on mine, givinghis final warning, but I had nothing more to say.
He drew a dagger, yanked my hair back, exposing my neck, ready to slit my throat.
I saw hesitation in his eyes when my black hair fell away, revealing my hideous scars.
Maybe I looked pitifulbut he had a job to do.
And I was ready for it to end.
The dagger lowered, and I resigned myself.
But a knock on the door interrupted my death once again, sending my emotions from one extrto the other.
Now what the hell...? M-Madam... I mean, Housekeeper, what brings you here? His previously harsh voice turned nearly submissive.
Curious, I looked toward the door and saw a short woman with blonde hair tied up neatly, elegant yet stern. What were you doing here? Her cold green eyes fixed on mine, and I lowered my head.
Shes an intruder.
Pack business You were going to kill her, werent you? she accused.
M-Madam, can we discuss this outside? Its protocol with intruders I heard his words stop short as a pair of black boots entered the room, standing right before me.
Whats your name, girl? Valeria, I whispered weakly.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmLook atwhen I speak to you! she ordered, and I lifted my head.
She has a superior, imposing aura, and honestly, I think shes more terrifying than the massive brute.
Tell me, Valeria, do you want to live or die? You can survive if you agree to work for me.
If not, pretend you never saw me, she offered, leavingstunned.
W-what kind of work would it be? Work for the Guardians, in the castle kitchen or wherever youre neededas a maid.
I offer you shelter and food in exchange, a new chance to live, she said without breaking eye contact.
I hesitated, feeling like I was selling my soul to a ruthless witch.
The Guardians were the Lycans, and the worst of them all was their leader, all Aldric, the Specter Slayer, whom a werewolves considered their king, though he didnt seem to care about the title. I dont have all day.
Are you coming or not? she pressed.
Housekeeper, this woman is a stranger... how can she enter the castle with the Guardians? We dont know her intentions I dont care why you entered these cursed lands.
Your past stays behind if you accept my offer.
But if you betrayor plot anything behind my back, slitting your throat will be the least of my punishments, the woman threatened, leavingwith only a second to decide. Live or die.
Start anew in a strange place, possibly filled with more humiliation and sufferingor die now and end my miserable existence.
Ill go with you.
I accept the job, I finally chose to survive.
***** The Golden Moon pack was located in a valley, surrounded by dense forest with thick fog, and forest with perched atop a hill in the distance was an imposing ancient stone castle. We traveled there in a carriage, rolling along cobblestone streets.
This pack was massive, far more powerful than my former one.
I remained silent the entire way, my black hair always hiding the scars on my face, my head bowed, not wanting to draw attention.
The enormous ebony doors opened, carved stone walls rising tall and powerful, with strange statues perched on the dark eaves.
At last, we arrived at an inner courtyard, and I stepped down from the carriage with sdiscomfort.
I stared at the looming castle, half-shrouded in mist, more nightmarish than inviting.
Ill give you your uniform and show you your room, she ordered, and I followed her inside.
The moment we crossed the entrance, we were greeted by a massive hall.
A chandelier filled with candles hung in the center, illuminating the spiraling staircases that seemed to stretch endlessly upward.
I was distracted for a moment, staring at the glossy black-and-white marble floor, when something seemed to fall from the ceiling.
BAM! I stumbled back, startled, barely containing a scream of pure panic as a womans naked corpse crashed at my feet.
She was headless, and blood still gushed from her severed neck, staining the entire floorand even my legs. The head rolled down next, lifeless eyes frozen in a horrified expression.
I looked up, trembling, and at the top of the stairs, a pair of gray, lupine, savage eyes stared back atfor a few seconds, chilling my blood to the core.
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