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The Marvelous Elijah's Return

Chapter 109
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A week to get it done

Pacing back and forth as she bit on her nails, Peach couldn‘t get herself to stop panicking like her hold

world was on the line, and she kept tapping her phone against her palm, wondering if she should send

Elijah a text or call. “He said he will handle it... You trust that he can take care of it... So why are you

freaking out, damn it!” Peach hissed at herself through gritted teeth. Then she froze when she heard the

sound of the door unlocking, causing her ears to raise slightly, listening, and then her eyelids shut when

she heard Elijah‘s voice in the living room, saying, “You can just leave them here, Dice.”

For a moment, she didn‘t move, not even when their room door opened and she heard his footsteps

approaching from behind her. Smiling softly, Elijah hugged her from the back, nuzzling his nose into her

neck as he wrapped an arm around her waist before pressing his cheek against hers.

Her body stiffened as her emotions got the best of her. She tried to hide it, but it was too late, and Elijah

knew from the response of her body toward him, and he said softly, “What is it, darling?”

“I trust you... But every time you walk out that door, my heart gets restless and I am scared...” Peach

sighed quietly, letting out a shaky breath. “I swear I can not help it.”

Her words woke up a part of him that Melina killed... During their entire marriage, she never worried

about his well–being. When he walked out, she never cared to be concerned, except when she was

drunk or frustrated and needed someone to dump her toxicities towards and make her feel better.

“I don‘t think I want to abide by rule one anymore... It kills me to know that you are out there, and I know

nothing about your well–being or whereabouts... So…” Peach trailed off, her hands fisting her t–shirt

while she fought tears threatening to escape from her eyes.

Pulling away from her, Elijah grabbed her arm, slowly turning her around to face him, knowing that she

was slowly destroying the walls he built after his divorce... and his one thought was, ‘Fuck this.‘

Eyes locked with hers, his heart was beating fast, he stroked her cheeks, saying, “If you miss me, ring

my phone up, and whatever you want to know, I will try my best to ease your worry

and curiosity, okay?”

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Nervous that he was understanding about her interfering with his rule, Peach just stood still, looking

down at their feet as she processed what he had said.

“Honestly, I do miss your voice when you are not around me,” Elijah chuckled, cupping her chin lightly.

Raising her head, Peach blinked rapidly, staring at him as he kissed her forehead, whispering, “So, let‘s

make it a habit of texting and calling each other, okay?”

Without hesitation, Peach nodded hard, her eyes shining brightly and a huge smile stretched her lips

wide across her face.

Testing the water now that rule one was a bit lenient towards her, Peach watched his eyes and

asked, “So how did your day go?” “Elmer and the ten board of directors are being investigated by Mr.

Bamford and a couple of detectives.” “Really?” Peach asked excitedly. “Yep! And you earned yourself a

dinner date later this evening at somewhere fancy because of that.”


Squeezing her cheeks and making her mouth into an ‘O‘shape, Elijah brought his face close to hers and

let out, “Because you my darling is the reason it happened in the first place.” “I am?” Peach murmured,

her cheeks feeling warmer. Seeing the light of excitement in her eyes glowed brighter, Elijah mumbled,

“Umm... Let me put it this way... My wife is a genius.”

Silence settled between them as he stared into her gaze, feeling the heat of passion rising within him,

and his hand clapped her chin, his thumb slowly brushing against her moist lip as if asking for


As a smile tugged at the corner of her mouth, Peach nodded lightly and closed the space between them,

allowing him to capture her lips, his fingers running through her hair gently, deepening their kiss as she

inhaled his hot breath, tasting his tongue on her parted lips.

Not caring that he was about to break two rules in one day, Elijah guarded Peach to the bed, their kiss

becoming heated as they both felt the passion growing inside them, their bodies moving together

rhythmically until he laid her down on the bed and hovered over her.

Suddenly, Peach smiled shyly as she pulled at his shirt, pulling it off him before rolling to the side and

then she crawled on top of him, kissing his chest slowly as she ran her tongue along his skin teasingly,

making his body shudder at her touch. A groan left Elijah‘s mouth when he felt her fingers running down

the length of his stomach before grabbing his belt buckle and starting undoing it quickly, a chuckle

escaping her lips as he looked down at her and whispered, “You are enjoying yourself.” “Mmhmm,”

Peach replied huskily, grinning widely as she saw Elijah trying to control himself, trying so hard not to

take charge and give her freedom. But suddenly, grabbing her by the t–shirt and pulling her down, Elijah

raised his lips to her ear and whispered, “I can‘t wait any longer.”

Letting out a soft gasp, Peach could feel his warm breath fanning against her sensitive skin, sending

shivers all over her body, and suddenly, she wanted him so badly and craved nothing more than for him

to take full dominance.

Within a matter of minutes, her wish was fulfilled as her body moved under Elijah, gasping loudly when

he entered her with one swift thrust, his arms holding her tightly to keep her from going anywhere as her

legs wrapped around his waist, her back arching as she felt him fill her, giving him complete freedom of

her body without having to fear getting hurt. His grip on her body tightened as Elijah started thrusting

harder and faster, burying his face in the crook of her neck while she kept raking her nails roughly on his

back and biting her lip as she screamed out loud at the feeling of ecstasy.

Unable to control himself anymore, Elijah lifted her hips, positioning her so that he could bury himself

deeper inside her, and he gave her another hard thrust, making her cry out as her walls contracted

around him, her hands clinging onto his shoulders as she held onto him for dear life.

This was the first time he wasn‘t holding back himself, and she knew it because, after a couple of

minutes of making her body feel like it was about to explode from pleasure, Elijah released himself inside

her, moaning loudly as he leaned down, kissing her deeply as they tried to calm down and catch their

breaths, panting heavily.

“That was...” Peach exhaled with a smile.

Chuckling, Elijah placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, then on each of her cheeks before trailing kisses

down to her shoulder, whispering, “Ready for round two?”

Her eyes widened as she felt Elijah smiling against her skin, hearing his muffled, deep chuckle before

she felt his body press against hers as he rolled to the side and lay beside her.

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“You deserve a lot more, Peach, and I am going to make sure you get them.” Elijah stated softly a

moment, smirking at her as he rubbed her thigh.

Shifting on her side to meet his eyes, he watched a soft smile gracing her face before saying,” I know

being in here alone after I leave is exhausting, but give me a couple of days, and I will have it ready for


“What is, ‘it?” Peach whispered.

But all she got from Elijah was a kiss on the head before he snuggled her into his arms.

The evening–harshed air blew aggressively at Madam Jewel‘s body as she hugged herself, standing

outside of a shabby building, frowning at the huge lock on the front door.

Unlike last time, not a soul was outside of the building, and it looked really abandoned and creepy for her

comfort. Sighing out her anger, she reached into her purse and took out her phone, dialing Scorpio‘s

number. His phone rang for a couple of seconds and then it went straight to voicemail, so she hung up

angrily before calling again, and again, and again, each time raising her blood pressure, making her

angrier by the minute. After her sixth call, a storm of rage hit her when she heard Scorpio ask, “Who is


“Why haven‘t you gotten the job done yet?!” Madam Jewel yelled hysterically, her face twisted with rage.

“Who is this?!”

“Jewel Hayes?!”

The line went silent for a second before his deep voice echoed, “It‘s a simple job to put a bullet in a

man‘s head, but making sure you don‘t get caught is the goal here. Elijah will die, but I need to make

sure he doesn‘t ruin yours and my lives after his death. “The fact that he‘s still alive is ruining my life. I

need you to do your job and make this bastard a dead man! Do you hear me, Scorpio?”

Another short pause followed the phone call and then she heard, “Yes, ma‘am. He will die. You can be

sure of that.”

“Good!!” Madam Jewel snarled before hanging up. “I am giving you a week to get it done, or else.”

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