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The Mighty Dragon Warrior

Chapter 117
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Franklin could sense the change of energy of the staff member. He too, put on a serious expression as

he took the box off the staff member’s hands.

Looking at his father’s and the staff member’s solemn expressions, Jacob had to hold in his laugh as

he opened the box to reveal a sword with its scabbard, two feet and one inches in length.

While Franklin was looking, Jacob casually drew the sword with a swish. His movements were so

elegant that it felt like there were sprinkles in the background.

“Sir, please be careful!” The reflected green light shone on the staff member’s face. “The Jade Brook

Sword is as sharp as they come, be careful not to hurt yourself!”

“The Jade Brook Sword, true enough, as the name suggests!” Squinting his eyes slightly, Franklin

nodded his head in satisfaction as he felt that the sword resembled a clear stream of brook. “How much

does it come to? I’ll take it!”

The staff member was out of the world. “You have great taste, sir! The Jade Brook Sword took three full

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years for the bladesmith to forge, it comes to a hundred and eighty thousand.”

Franklin blinked a few times in disbelief, then slightly furrowed his brows, “That’s too expensive, ninety

thousand, take it or leave it.”

Jacob turned to look at Franklin, is he trying to get away with half the price?

“Ninety thousand? No can do!” The staff member shook his head quicker than a pellet drum, “The

material cost of the sword alone is more than ninety thousand!”

“Fine, I’ll add ten thousand more, that’s my final offer.” There was a hint of slyness in Franklin’s eyes.

“Sigh, sir, please help me out here!” The staff member frowned.

“Son, let’s go.” Franklin handed the box to the staff pretentiously.

“Fine! Ten thousand, deal! Sir, please come back in the future!” The staff stamped his leg on the ground

as he accepted the box disappointedly.

“Haha, I will! I’m paying by card today!” Franklin took out a credit card as he put on a satisfied smile.

After getting the deal, he offered a hand.

The staff took a step backwards and responded with a cunning smile, “Sir, what do you mean? For ten

thousand, you only get the sword without the box.”

The smile Franklin had on his face quickly disappeared. He knitted his brows discontentedly, “How am I

supposed to gift the sword without the box?!”

“Sir, you were asking for the price of the sword. You didn’t say anything about the box, right?” The staff

replied calmly and collectedly.

Damn you, scammer! Franklin gritted his teeth secretly.

He had the impulse to turn and leave, but he figured that gifting the sword without its box was too


Looking at how conflicted his father was, Jacob, who was holding the sword with one hand, smiled at

him, “Dad, don’t worry, let me talk to him for a second.”

Talk? Hoho, what’s there to talk about?! The staff had a condescending look on his face.

It was clear that sword was indeed a great one, and the box that it came with was made of pure

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sandalwood. Are you planning to look for another box elsewhere? Hoho, I’m afraid that you wouldn’t

find another box that suits the stature of this sword in the entire street.

Jacob noticed the confidence that the staff had. He scoffed and did a casual flick of a wrist with the

hand that was holding the sword.

With a swoosh, razor-sharp qi formed around the room like a streaming river, and it quickly turned into

an aggressive waterfall surrounding the staff’s body.

He started sweating bullets as he offered the sandalwood box, worth not less than ten thousand, to

Jacob with both hands. “My hero, I was blind not to notice your masterful sword skills, please accept

this box as a complimentary gift and forgive my oversight!”


Jacob inserted the sword back into the scabbard, packed it nicely to the box, then picked up the box.

“Dad, I’m done talking, let’s go.”

The staff member was white and green in the face as he stared at the father and son pair leaving the

store with the sword.