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The Mighty Dragon Warrior

Chapter 142
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A bell chimed, and the auctioneer wearing a black dress with white elbow length gloves walked out in

high spirits. “Ladies and gentlemen…”

After a brief introduction, the charity auction was in full spring.


At that moment, Jonah approached table No. 12.

Moira’s eyes flashed dangerously when she saw him, “Aren’t you on table six? What are you doing


“Moira, what are you doing sitting here all by yourself? Yuna is looking for you.” Jonah smirked.

“Boss, what does this guy want? He’s completely ignoring the both of us!” Jonah muttered to Jacob.

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“Stop overthinking things.” Jacob glared at him. “Sit down and keep your mouth shut.”

After warning his subordinate, he turned to his daughter and asked gently, “Later daddy will bid on a

piece of antique jade for you to wear. Would you like that?”

“What’s an antique jade?” Heidi asked with wide eyes. “Can I eat it?”

“It’s not for eating.” Jacob stroked her long braids. “But it has many health benefits.”

“Speaking of which, I haven’t even gotten Heidi any presents as her uncle…” Jerry rubbed his chin

before picking up the auction listing on the table and looking through it.

After some words, the auctioneer slammed the gavel down signaling the third bidding was over.

“Ladies and gentlemen, here’s the fourth item.” She introduced passionately. “It’s a painting of a

landscape by the esteemed Congressman Townsend. Let’s give Mr. Townsend a round of applause!”

“Wow!” “Whoa!”

Cheers and the thundering sound of applause echoed throughout the hall.

Edwin stood up from his seat on Benny’s right. He smiled warmly and nodded in greeting.

“Congressman Townsend? Pfftt… What a grand title!” Jerry scoffed under his breath.

Don’t judge a book by its cover. He may look noble and genteel from the outside, but he does all sorts

of underhanded things. Accepting bribes being one of them! Just a phone call from him would cost

them a villa by the sea.

If this was any other district outside of Central, even if it was the country’s capital city, no one would

dare to accept it as long as The Scarlet Dragon said so!

“Thank you everyone! We’ll start the bid with ten thousand!” The auctioneer had the attention of

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everyone in the room. “Mr. Townsend is secretly a landscape painting master…”

Before she had even finished the introduction, several bidding paddles had shot up. “Twenty thousand!”

“Where’s our paddle?” Jerry looked around the table.

Heidi looked at him and slide down her chair. She crawled under the table and picked up a paddle with

’12’ printed in red on it.

Laughing, Jacob lifted her back into her chair. He then glared at Jerry, “What are you up to now?”

“What else could I be up to? I just want to give my little princess something nice. Uncle will give you a

present later!” Jerry leaned over and reached out his hand to take the paddle from her.

Soon enough, Congressman Townsend was sold at one hundred and sixty thousand to a young

woman decked out in jewels on table nine. Sitting next to her was an official looking middle-aged


After several other items were auctioned off, an item of value was introduced.