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The Mighty Dragon Warrior

Chapter 248
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“With so few of you?” A mass of silvery-white lightning appeared in Declan Lowe’s right palm.

A trace of confusion streaked across Jacob’s eyes. “I’m very curious. What were you doing just now?

Almost everyone in this building is dead, but you didn’t know a single thing?”

“What did you say?” Declan Lowe’s expression darkened.

At the side, an evil grin appeared at the corner of Andres’ mouth. “What my boss means is, you four

are the only people who are still alive in this building.”

As soon as he said that countless Dragon Guardians dressed in black walked in with a deadly air. “Sir!

Mr. York!”

The old man in a white robe threw his head back and laughed. “Haha, you really think we would believe

you just because you use some tricks to barge in…”

“How could this be!?” A low cry suddenly interrupted them.

The young man with a mole between his brows put his right hand down while a shocked and

disbelieving expression appeared on his face.

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After a pause, his gaze was dark. “You…”

“I’m rushing for time. I’m not going to talk nonsense with you.” Jacob interrupted him. He got into a

stance, and blasted out a punch.

Transcendent Battle Qi bubbled up recklessly. With a frightened cry to the air, a deep trace appeared

on the ground which was covered thickly with a layer of dirt.


The woman in a green mask cried out angrily as she saw the garden that she had built meticulously

become a mess in an instant. The green light behind her exploded.

The green glow burst into the air. Greenery expanded as if they had been injected with hormones that

made them grow at an increased rate.

With a snap of a finger, the dark green plant wall that was three meters tall and almost half a meter

wide towered over the room.


Invisible Battle Qi slammed into the dark green plant wall with a loud bang. Fragments and rubble

sprayed into the air. Fresh, clean air immediately drifted all around.

“Dragon Guardians, get them!”

Energy was increasing sharply around Andres. After his deep cry, he led a trail of shadows and leapt

through the hole that had appeared in the dark green plant wall.

“Kill them!”

Ten Dragon Guardians in black paired up and swept along the forceful, deadly energy that filled the air.

“D*mn it!”

The young man with a mole between his brows cried out fiercely. Hot waves surrounded him. With a

wave of his hand, three dark red fireballs appeared with a pop.

Electricity kept flashing in Declan’s eyes. In an instant, silvery-white electricity leapt from his palm.

“I’m your opponent,” Jacob said coldly before stepping forward. Invisible Battle Qi bubbled up and

created tides in the mud within a three-meter range.

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Declan was filled with killing intent and waved his hand to throw out a silvery-white ball of electricity

from his palm that was filled with unparalleled energy.

The balls of electricity that were the size of tennis balls hissed through the air and reached Jacob in an


Jacob didn’t say anything. He stretched his right hand forward and held the blinding silvery-white ball of

electricity in his palm.

“If that’s all you can do…” He joined both hands and put out the balls of electricity that had powerful

energy. He narrowed his eyes. “Die.”

“Hehe, what big words!” Declan laughed in indignation. “I’ve spent years building up the Meteorites,

and I’ve defeated countless enemies. But this is my first time meeting an enemy that’s as insanely

confident as you!”

“You speak too much nonsense.” Killing intent appeared at the tip of Jacob’s brow.

In a breath, boundless Battle Qi surged from his body. The air vibrated, and undercurrents shook.

Waves of pressure that were as heavy as mountains rushed out from all sides.

War Deity’s Secret Skill of Collapsed Fist!

With one punch, heaven and earth would collapse!