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The Mighty Dragon Warrior

Chapter 279
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An hour later, Jacob handed his daughter to Jerry under their curious gazes at the entrance of Dixy


With Heidi in his arms, Jerry replied solemnly, “Don’t worry, Boss! I’m sure you won’t be detained any

longer than three days. We’ll be waiting for your name to be cleared!”

Jacob gave a nod and gently tapped on Heidi’s nose. “Be a good girl, okay? I’ll be back soon.”

She nodded her little head obediently and looked at him with tears brimming in her wide eyes. “Okay.”


Then, he turned around to look at Moira, who was not far from them, and waved at her before entering

a police car behind him.

As soon as he entered the car, a young police officer announced firmly, “Mission completed!”

With that, they marched uniformly yet weakly to a nearby military truck.

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Still holding Heidi in his arms, Jerry watched as the police cars and trucks left before turning around to

look at the few people from Lewis Martial Arts School.

“Aunt Moira…” Heidi pouted and reached for Moira.

“Oh, darling. There, there.” She quickly held Heidi when she saw that Heidi was trying to hold back her


Jerry touched her braided hair and glared at Stephen. “Hmph! Just you wait, Lewis Martial Arts


With that, he let out another cold snort before leaving.

“How dare you!”

Feeling offended, Dexter took a step forward and took a fighting stance. Immediately, a strong breeze

appeared out of nowhere.

Jerry stood in front of Moira and Heidi immediately, focusing intently on Dexter. A surge of pure killing

intent immediately tore through the air at him.

What a strong killing intent!

Dexter’s pupils immediately narrowed, and blood slithered away from his face when he faced the

invisible force.

“Get behind me!” Stephen bellowed as he stepped forward to shield his disciple. Just as he was shifting

his body, a shrill buzz suddenly sounded.

Right after that, a long yet narrow cut appeared on his sleeves. He raised his head in shock. “A

physical attack from the mind! Young man, what have you been training?”

“Let’s go. I’ll send you guys home.” After speaking gently to Moira, Jerry turned around and looked at

Stephen coldly. “You’d better worry about the future of your martial arts school. I’m training to kill; not

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long after this, the bad guys from Asura Clan will be after you. Since you have already made such a

decision, it’s only natural that your martial arts school will perish.”

He left them with a warning as he brought Moira and Heidi into a silver Land Rover.

As the car left, a savage look appeared in Stephen’s eyes.

Even though Jacob and Jerry practiced different types of martial arts, they shared the same similarity –

they were both young yet competent.

Even though he had been practicing living with intentions and peace, he could not help feeling

remorseful every time he remembered how he antagonized them for some inconsequential benefits.

Meanwhile, at Rowan Lane, the rubble and garbage were removed entirely. Amidst the slight breeze, a

vague figure could be seen on the street.

All of a sudden, a Citroën entered the warning line drawn by the Shadow Rangers.

Just as the car was about to barge into the street, a figure suddenly emerged from a nearby building

and stepped in front of the car.

With a loud bang, the engine erupted, and the car immediately came to a halt.