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The Mighty Dragon Warrior

Chapter 72
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After putting down her half-filled glass, she winked with a flushed face. “Have you been single all this


“Ooooh…” Someone in the crowd cheered along.

When Matt saw that the girls were still attracted by Jacob’s looks even though he looked shabby with

gray hair, fury throbbed in his veins.

He drank glasses after glasses of beer before letting out a malicious snigger. “Hehe! How could he be

single? Didn’t he already have a beautiful girlfriend whom he loves a lot?”

Everyone else exchanged glances with each other, not knowing what to say. Colin had a frown on his

face. Harry was glaring at Matt, David clenched his fists tightly, while the woman who was into Jacob

quickly averted her gaze before she went back to her seat.

Intoxicated by alcohol, Matt smiled vindictively after seeing how the entire room quietened down after

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he spoke.

Jacob stared at him coldly with his blood boiling.

To him, Naeve was a pain he could never recover from. It was precisely because it hurt so much that

he could never forget her, and it was exactly why he would not tolerate people making fun of her.

It was a taboo to him. Whoever stepped over the line would have to die.

Apart from that, it was obvious that Matt was drunk with resentment bubbling up within him, so he was

making his final attempt to mock Jacob.

Just as the atmosphere began to freeze in the room, the door was opened by two beautiful waitresses

with great figures. Their long and slender legs, especially, attracted most people’s attention.

“I’m sorry for the interruption.” She apologized in a sweet voice as she bowed to them. Then, she

pulled a silver trolley that had two layers to them with three wine bottles placed on the top layer.

When Colin saw that, he was perplexed. “Is there a mistake somewhere? We didn’t order any red


“Sir, Mr. Vasquez asked us to send these over.” She beamed at him.

“Wow, did I see the labels correctly?” A knowledgeable-looking young man nudged his glasses when

he saw the wine bottles.

The crowd was curious to see his reaction. “What’s special about the red wine, Mr. Wine Expert?”

“Heheh! I guess it’s a good thing that I’m here today!” His Adam’s apple moved, as if he just gulped.

“Cabernet Gernischt – even if it’s not a collector’s edition, it’s a top-grade wine. It’s all thanks to you,


“Cabernet what-it-is, you say? What does collector’s edition even mean?” Someone asked.

“It sounds very high class indeed. How much does a bottle cost?” Another person was even more


The bespectacled young man threw a sideways glance at the person. “Someone like you is not fit to

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drink wine of this standard!”

“Hey, Mr. Wine Expert, are you looking for a fight?” The person who asked the question threatened.

“Shut up, both of you!” Colin ordered in annoyance. At the same time, he quietly promised himself that

he would never organize another reunion party again. It was too tiring for him.

After heaving a sigh, he turned around to the waitress and asked politely, “Are you sure that Mr.

Vasquez asked you to send it over here?”

He had a good reason to double check, for a good quality Cabernet Gernischt on the market would

cost at least five figures.

I’m just an insignificant secretary in the Paramount Chamber of Commerce. Why would the CEO of the

Grand Imperial Hotel send three bottles of such wine over? There must be some misunderstanding
