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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea

Chapter 1371
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Chapter 1371 | Swoosh— Unexpectedly, the Argentum Qilin Spear that Andrius had just slammed onto the turtle shell rebounded at twice the speed, rushing back toward Andrius.

Andrius was caught off guard, and the powerful momentum almost caused severe injury. Fortunately, he noticed it at the critical moment and reduced some of the force. He had roamed the world for many years, but it was his first time encountering such an opponent.

“I'd like to see...” Andrius snorted and pondered, “just how hard this turtle’s shell is!”

LMR AN / Swoosh! Whoosh! Swish! In an instant, Andrius lifted the Argentum Qilin Spear again and gracefully moved on the spot. Each movement gathered boundless strength and stirred endless vitality.

He planned to focus his attack and break through the spirit turtle’s shell! That was because the turtle’s limbs and head were too agile, making it difficult to attack.

The spear strikes left no trace! Every thrust carried a magnificent intent, striking the ancient and worn

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SW 719 BONUS shell repeatedly. Each collision emitted a clear clanging sound, resonating in the ears. Sasi However, after Andrius’ intense attacks, only a few small marks appeared on the spirit turtle’s ancient shell.

Not even three to five decades would be enough to completely break through this turtle shell. He would need at least another five hundred years! On the contrary, Andrius had expended a great deal of energy and needed to rest.

“Huff, huff...” Just as he was preparing to catch his breath, the spirit turtle blew out a series of breaths, as if provoking and mocking Andrius.

HEE Tw However, its exhaled breaths were not just for show. It turned pale upon encountering the air. Sues It was an extremely cold storm! At the same time, a dense chill spread rapidly, reaching Andrius first.

In an instant, every pore on Andrius’ “body felt the extreme cold invading his body. His limbs, joints, and meridians were all ravaged by the intense cold energy! “Hiss—"” Andrius felt that his meridians were about to be frozen and could not help but suck in a cold breath.

Not only did this turtle have a hard shell, but it also had a big mouth! Whirr—

Andrius had no way to deal with this intense cold from inside his body and could only circulate his inner energy-to counter it.

As for the external chill...

Clang! Andrius stabbed the Argentum Qjlin ‘Spear into the ground and swiftly moved his palms, releasing a series of scorching energy to counter the turtle’s chill.

It was his Fire-breathing Palm.

However, this was not a long-term solution.

Andrius had to defeat this turtle if he wanted to get information about the Flame Emperor.

However, there was a limit to his

Re | strength.

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When the turtle got tired, it could ” retract its limbs and head into the shell, making Andrius helpless.

However, if Andrius got tired, he might be frozen by the turtle’s breath! “Maybe...” “Suddenly, a bright light flashed in his eyes.

Old Hagstorm told him before that there was no perfect lifeform in this world.

Misfortune and blessing went hand in hand.

When one aspect of a being was exceptionally strong, there must be another exceptionally weak aspect! For example, many creatures had very

WV 719 BONUS lethal acupoints. When heavy attacks were subjected to some acupoints in human bodies, it could lead to instant death! Thus, this thousand-year-old turtle should be similar! Immediately, Andrius battled while - observing the turtle’s movements.

He soon identified some acupoints.

Although the beast was different from humans, it was still a living being.

Andrius could grasp its acupoints because of the similarities.

Boom— After having a plan, Andrius used his Fire-breathing Palm to force the turtle back, then retreated to Kate's side.
