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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea

Chapter 49
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Chapter 49

Luna returned to Dream’s Waterfront and had a comfortable bath.

She then called her friend, Halle, and said, “Halle, we are in! We joined the Business Guild! And…”

She told her friend how Solomon was embarrassed due to his arrogance.

“That’s great!” Halle felt happy for her friend. “Now that New Moon Corporation is a part of the Business

Guild, you will be able to get a lot more resources.”


Then, a thought rushed into Luna’s mind. “Hey, did you know that someone taught Hendrick

Mysticwood a lesson for dragging out the Northern Point construction funds? Do you think that same

person is helping us again to meet Master Hempton this time?”

Halle pondered for a moment before she said, “Luna, is it possible that your lucky star is beside you?”

“Beside me? Who could it be?” Luna asked incredulously.

“Maybe it’s your husband,” Halle teased.

“Impossible!” Luna refuted without a second thought. “Andrius is just some poor fellow from the

countryside. How can he possibly help me with all that? Besides, he’s a coward. When Solomon

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Stormbrew tried to ambush me on the road, I told him to go help Athena, my bodyguard, but he dared

not even step out of the car. Forget about


Luna’s tone stated how much she was displeased with Andrius.

“Halle, I know Andrius is quite good-looking, but we are not teenage

girls anymore. We cannot pick a man based on his looks. The man we choose might not be the hero

that saves the world but he should at least be a successful person whom people respect. Only then can

our husbands match our statuses!”

Luna spoke like she was a father teaching her daughter about how to be successful in life.

“I’m just saying. Don’t get so riled up,” Halle said helplessly.

“Stop trying to defend him. He and I are nothing. It’s just an act for my grandfather. In three months, we

will go on our respective ways,” Luna said.

“Alright. I got it.”

The girls chatted for a while before the call ended.

After the call, Halle muttered to herself, “Luna, you are the one who refused to believe Andrius. Don’t

blame me for taking him from you.”

Women loved strong men, and Halle was one of them.

When she learned that Andrius was a powerful figure but preferred to stay low-profile, her attitude

toward him changed drastically.

However, due to her friendship with Luna, she was unable to go after Andrius. She had reminded her

friend many times, but the latter refused to believe her, so she felt less guilty for going after Andrius


Halle tapped on her phone and called Andrius.

Andrius frowned when he saw the unregistered number on his phone


“Who is this?”

“It’s me, Halle. Luna’s friend.”

“How did you get my number?”

“You are my best friend’s husband. How hard is it to get your number?” Halle chuckled.

“Oh. What is it?” Andrius asked.

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Halle skipped the chatter and said, “I want to invite you to dinner tomorrow night.”

After the race with Axel, Andrius knew Halle was hostile against him, so he wanted nothing to do with

the woman. “I’m busy. No, thank you.”

Halle was left speechless and disappointed on the other side of the phone.

She was a socialite from a decent family, and her looks made her one of the most stunning women in

Sumeria. It was her first time inviting a man to dinner, yet she was rejected without any consideration.

Should the news get out, she would be terribly embarrassed.

With that, Halle said in displeasure, “Andrius, I am Luna’s best friend. Aren’t you afraid that I will

badmouth you in front of her if you reject me?”

Andrius was left speechless.

The powerful Wolf King who killed enemies on the battlefield had never been so annoyed and vexed


Since he came to Sumeria, he had been having a tough time with


He finally understood why the country’s law stated that men could join the army at 18 but could not

marry until 22. It was solid proof that women were more difficult to deal with than their enemies.

Andrius sighed helplessly. “Where?”

Halle immediately said, “Hidari Coast’s Roman Restaurant!”