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True Luna by Tessa Lilly

Chapter 111
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Chapter 111 The White Wolf (Part Two)
Logan POV
I heard her wrong.
I had to have heard her wrong.
There was no way, no fucking way, that there was another man who...
I fucking heard her wrong.
“What?” Andrew growled, breaking the silence that followed after the woman’s last words.
The witch looked at Andrew and took a deep breath.
“The witches decided to curse the White Wolf with two true mates.” she said.
“They knew that would create a war.”
She said it again. She said two true mates, didn’t she?
Did I hear that wrong? Was something wrong with my ears?
Leon was still. Too fucking still for my liking. I couldn’t even reach him.
“I don’t understand.” Emma mumbled, making me look at her.
She was mine. I was her true mate. She was my true mate. There wasn’t another man for her. There wasn’t another man who
would take her from me.
“The witches wanted a war between the packs.” Anna started explaining. “The wanted them to kill each other and stop
expanding. They knew that the mate bond was the strongest bond between two people, and they decided to use it as a weapon.”
My heart was going to give out.

Please, Goddess, no.
“They chose a girl from one of the packs.” Anna continued. “She was beautiful and kind, and the people loved her. She was
special as well because her wolf was pure white. She was only 17 at the time, but the witches knew that she would be the young
Alpha’s mate. They decided to curse her. They made the Alpha of the other pack her true mate as well. They knew that both of
them would want her, not just because she was their true mate, but because she was all of those things I mentioned earlier. They
knew that she would be a wonderful Luna. They knew that she would be a powerful wolf.”

I gulped and tightened my arms around
Emma. I couldn’t feel my body.
I wanted to scream. I wanted to tear the cabin apart.
But I couldn’t move. I couldn’t fucking move.
“The witches’ plan backfired.” Anna, sighed. “That young woman was so kind and wonderful that she managed to stop the war.
She managed to convince the two Alphas not to kill each other and innocent wolves in both packs. She kept the peace.”
Anna looked at me, and I saw sympathy in her eyes.
“But she couldn’t keep the peace in her heart and soul.” Anna said quietly. “Both Alphas wanted her. Of course they did, she was
their true mate. She couldn’t be with them both, and she couldn’t choose. She loved them both. She wanted them both, but she
couldn’t have them.”
Anna looked back at Emma and took a deep breath.
“The young woman took her own life.” she said quietly. “The two Alphas died in agonizing pain. The packs moved on from the
tragedy. They continued expanding, and the witches didn’t get their wish. They only managed to ruin three young lives.”
My heart was going to jump out of my body.
I couldn’t comprehend what Anna told us. My mind couldn’t comprehend it. My heart and my soul didn’t want to accept it.
“Are you saying that I...” Emma spoke, her voice breaking.
“Yes, Emma.” Anna nodded. “You have two true mates.”

A loud growl escaped my frozen lips.
I wanted it to be louder. I wanted it to be stronger. But I couldn’t get it out. I couldn’t. I was fucking frozen.
“I don’t want two mates.” Emma cried
out. “I want Logan. I don’t...”
She stopped talking, trying to take a deep breath. I could feel her panic increasing.
My frozen body moved.
I cupped her cheeks and made her look at me.

“Breathe, Emma.” I said, trying to stop my voice from shaking. “Breathe, baby, come on.”
Her wide eyes were filled with tears. She placed her hands over mine and tried to take a deep breath again.
“Come on, my love.” I said softly, leaning my forehead on hers. “Breathe.”
“What can I do?” Emma mumbled, wrapping her hands around my neck. “Can I reject him?”
“Yes.” Anna said, giving me hope. “But it won’t break the bond, you know that.”
My heart raced, and my stomach turned.
I still couldn’t comprehend it.Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“The only way to break the curse is to find out which one of your true mates was given to you by the Goddess and which one
was given to you by the curse.” Anna said.
Emma let go of me and looked at Anna. “What?”
“The Goddess gave you one of your mates.” Anna explained. “The curse gave you the other. You need to choose the right one to
get rid of the curse.”
I felt the rage pulsing inside of me. It was growing by the second.
I would tear the cabin apart.
“I have to choose?” Emma asked quietly.
I could hear the disbelief in her voice. I could hear the pain in her voice.
“Yes.” Anna said. “The true mate given to you by the Goddess will have to mark you on the other side of your neck. That’s the
only way to lift the curse and break the bond with the other wolf.”
I looked at her neck, and my canines flew out.
“No, Alpha.” Anna said with a hint of panic in her voice. “If you are the mate given to her by the curse, it will kill her.”
Andrew growled loudly.
“He is my mate given to me by the
Goddess!” Emma said loudly, clenching her fists and tightening her jaw. “I don’t want another mate! I don’t need another mate!”
She looked at me, and I saw pure panic in her eyes.
She grabbed my face with both of her hands and looked me in the eyes.
“You are my mate!” she told me. “I want you. I need you. I don’t want anyone else. Mark me again. I won’t die. The Goddess
gave me you. I’m sure of it. I know it.”
I wanted to. Oh, Goddess, how badly I wanted to.
She was mine. She was fucking mine.

But what if I killed her? What if I wasn’t the one? What if I killed my mate? What if I killed my wife?
I pulled her to me and kissed her as hard as I could.
She was mine, and I was hers. The Goddess gave her to me, and the Goddess gave me to her. I knew it. My heart and my soul
knew it.
But the fear was stronger. The fear stopped me from sinking my canines into her again.