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Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle by Heap Heap

Chapter 109
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Chapter 109 Daddy, Can You Get Aunt Bea Back?

'I'll be going later. He hasn't gotten off work yet." While Bianca said that, one minute had passed and

the microwave oven dinged.

Luke stood behind her about a meter away while he thought about the way Bianca talked about the


The guy represented another man who was about to enter her life.

Bianca did not dare to overthink it because she was afraid that her emotions would get out of control.

Therefore, she made herself focused on making the mac and cheese.

It was the method of cooking that she learned online.

After the timer was up, she tore open another pack of seasoning and put it in the bowl.

She stirred it a little and put it back in the microwave for two more minutes.

When the two minutes were up, she took out the bowl, beat in the cheese, and put it into the

microwave for another minute again.

Luke, who stood behind her the whole time, suddenly started daydreaming that they were newlyweds

and that she was his new wife who was cooking food for her husband. In his daydream, even though

his wife was busy, she would go home at noon to make him a meal.

Bianca put all her focus on making the mac and cheese.

It was not the usual way of making instant mac and cheese.

After the one minute was up, she took out the bowl and gently stirred in the cheese.

After the cheese was stirred in, she put it in the microwave for the last time, 1

It took another minute.

As she waited patiently for one minute, she felt the man behind her standing very close to her. For

some reason, she felt uncomfortable.

When she turned off the microwave and took out the bowl, her fingers

touched the hot microwavable bowl.

She instinctively furrowed her brows and retracted her fingers.

'Where did you burn yourself?"

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As the man said that, a pair of big hands grabbed both of her hands suddenly.

Bianca turned her body and retracted her hands back. "It's okay, it wasn't very hot."

Luke frowned and had to let go of her.

The nanny panicked when she realized Bianca was not wearing the mittens. She pretended to be busy

with something, but it was because she was the one who forgot to give her the mittens. However, Luke

managed to get the bowl out with a kitchen cloth.

"Pour it into an insulated bowl," Bianca said while nervously watching his hands that were not afraid of

getting burnt.

Luke's fingers were angular, pale, long, and strong. When she saw them, she could not move her eyes

away. So much so that she could feel his breath making her heart skip. 1

'Your mac and cheese is done. If that's all, I'm afraid I'll have to leave first.'

After Bianca said that, she left the kitchen and walked to the bedroom.

She took her backpack and said goodbye to the two little kids.

"Aunt Bea, are you leaving?"

Blanche could not believe it. Before he got an answer, he asked again, "Is my dad bullying you? I can

get him to stay in the office and not come back.'

Bianca smiled helplessly while she comforted the little guy. "He's your daddy while I'm not related to


"Then you should just be a member of our family. Can you get married to my daddy so that you can be

my mommy? Or maybe you can get Grandma to adopt you as her daughter so that you'll be able to

stay in my house," Blanche said naively.

After Bianca heard Blanche's words, her mind twitched.

How could it be possible for Allison to adopt her? She was already her biological mother. She knew it

was an impossible feat to get Allison to acknowledge her as her daughter in this lifetime.

As for what the little guy said about getting married to Luke, it was also impossible.

"Rest well. I'll find another time to visit you." After Bianca said with a smile, she turned around and left

the manor with a sad face.

When she went downstairs, she opened the main entrance and tried to leave everything behind again.

The people who lived there, whether it was the father or the two kids, were a fatal attraction.

She knew she must leave as soon as possible.

Every time she stepped into their lives, she would fall into it quickly. She knew she had to escape as

soon as possible while she was not so deep in the mess yet.

The Uber she booked had not arrived yet, but a message came from Bianca's cell phone.

The female classmate sent her a Facebook message which said, 'I just gave your Facebook to my

boyfriend's buddy. If he adds you, you can go ahead and chat with him first.’

Bianca replied, ‘Okay.’

Soon, she received a Facebook friend request.

The guy used his own picture as his profile picture. He looked like a very upright man. He wore

glasses, a pair of white slacks, and a light gray loose button-up shirt. From how he looked, he was

about 26 or TJ years old.

'Hey, this is Brayden.'

'Hello, I'm Bianca.’

'...I think you're a down to earth person.’

'Is that so?' Bianca was very bad at small talk, especially with someone she was about to have a blind


"I can feel it. I know a little psychoanalysis,' Brayden replied.

Bianca continued replying to him until her Uber came and she got in.

Initially, they planned to meet for dinner after he got off work, but while they chatted, Brayden became

eager to see her. Since he found out that Bianca was free then, he took an early leave from work and

left his office to meet his blind date.

Bianca had no choice but to immediately go to the place he said to meet.

In the taxi, she kept hyping herself up to prepare for the date. She told herself that if they were suitable

for each other, she would seriously consider him and try to get married as soon as possible. She

thought that if he was not picky toward her, she should not let him down.

At Crawford Manor.

The little guy looked very sad and did not finish his mac and cheese.

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The nanny watched him sadly from the side. Generally speaking, children did not like new stepmothers,

but those two kids were different. They were almost begging their father to marry a stepmother for


Of course, provided that the stepmother was their Aunt Bea.

As for what happened to Mr. Crawford and Ms. Bianca, the nanny did not dare to speculate why it was

that they could not get married. Perhaps Ms. Bianca knew she could not get along well with his rich

family, or perhaps she did not want to bear the burden of being a puppet by marrying into a wealthy

family. Perhaps she did not want to risk being cheated on if her husband went off the rails.

If one party was affectionate but the other party was unwilling, it was a normal thing for them to not be

able to be together.

When she cleaned up the dishes and was about to take them out of the room, the nanny happened to

see Mr. Crawford coming in, so she turned sideways to make way for him.

"Aunt Bea was scared away by you again!" Blanche blamed Daddy while he looked coldly and bitterly

at him.

Luke went to the room to get his car keys. He turned around and said," Aunt Bea is busy going on a

blind date."

The two little kids looked at each other.

"Blind date? What's that?"

"A blind date is to look for a husband. When we were at Uncle Donney's house on Christmas, Aunt Lily

explained that she had done it before." Rainie recalled.

Blanche scratched his head. But, what about Daddy?"

Rainie snorted. "Aunt Bea doesn't like Daddy."

She blamed Daddy for not trying hard enough.

Blanche wrestled with his fake plaster cast from his leg tirelessly. After he got it off, he put on two tiny

slippers and ran downstairs.

The black Range Rover was driving out of the garage. Luke lowered his head to light a cigarette with

one hand holding the steering wheel. He was about to drive off when he saw his son standing in front

of the car.

Blanche was blocking the car with a pitiful look on his face. His attitude changed as he pouted. "Daddy,

can you get Aunt Bea back? I've waited five years and finally found a woman who I want as my

mother... If you don't get Aunt Bea back, you can just go ahead and kill me with your car."