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Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle by Heap Heap

Chapter 1860
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After Luca left, Tommy looked at his brother and said, "Lanie, where do you think Ms. Luca is going?"

"I don't know." Lanie looked at Nina. He never had a chance to ask since he found out that Luca was going out.

Nina said helplessly as the children looked at her, "She told me that she has to go see her brother. She'll be back

soon enough. Since you've finished your homework, do you need to revise what you've learned today?”

Rainie replied, "Aunt Nina, we've memorized it."

"You read it twice and you understand all of it?" Nina sighed in her heart. She thought that it was normal that they

were such fast learners since they were Luke's children. They had his excellent genes.

She wondered if she and Percy's future kid would be as smart as them.

After all, Percy's genes were also superb.

However, her genes...

Nina sighed. 'Forget it, my genes are not as good as Bianca's...'

"Aunt Nina, what are you sighing about?" Tommy looked at her curiously.

"I'm sighing about how my genes aren't as good as your mother's. It would be great if my baby can be as smart as

you guys." Nina pinched little Tommy's cheek.

If her kids were as smart as them, it would save her a lot of trouble. She would not get cerebral hemorrhage when

tutoring them, unlike the videos she often saw online of parents helping their kids with their homework.

"You want to have a baby with Uncle Percy? Aunt Nina, hurry up and have a baby. We want siblings." Tommy urged


Nina's face turned tomato red at the mention of Percy. She picked up the remote control to turn on the TV and

found the cartoon channel. "What nonsense are you talking about? You're a kid. Don't think too much about these

things and focus on your cartoons. At ten, you'll have to go upstairs to take a shower and rest."

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Tommy smiled cheekily and sat on the sofa without saying anything else.

On the other hand.

Luca walked out of the villa. She did not drive because Luke had given her a car and there was a dashcam on it.

Even if she removed it, she was unsure if there were other surveillance cameras equipped. Hence, she did not dare

to drive, lest her whereabouts be known to him.

She got a ride using a ridesharing app and asked the driver to take her to Amur's apartment.

After she arrived at the apartment, instead of going upstairs, she stood at the taxi stand and stopped another car.

The reason why it took an hour for her to get to her destination was that she was very cautious. She had to do what

she told Nina so that she would not be suspected if something happened.

Luca watched an empty taxi slowly approach her. She stopped it and got in. She then told the driver the address

provided by Abel.

The driver drove her there.

After Luca got out of the car, she found a corresponding residential building based on the address.

She looked at the dilapidated residential building and sighed. Abel liked looking for such dilapidated places as a

stronghold every time. There was no advantage other than it being easy for them to run away if they were


Luca knocked on the iron door.

After a while, a voice came from inside, "Who is it?"

Luca replied in fluent Russian, "It's Ivana."

The door opened as soon as her voice fell.

Luca looked at the person who opened the door. It was a strong man with pale skin.

On the Island of Despair, except for those who often performed missions, everyone else's skin was as fair as his

because they were underground all year round.

She could tell that he must have left the Island of Despair not long ago and had never been on a mission.

"Your proof?" the strong man asked in Russian with a dialect.

Luca took out her phone and handed it over. In addition to the unique tattoo, their phones could also be used as

proof of their identity.

She did not have the tattoo on her because Abel had always planned to use her to get revenge on Luke. Hence, he

did not make her get one.

As such, the only thing that could prove her identity was her phone.

The strong man took her phone, took out a special instrument from his pocket, and put it near the phone. The

phone beeped, and he confirmed her identity before he let her in. "Come in. The buyer is waiting for you."

Luca walked in. Another man stopped her and said, "I need to search you."

Luca looked at the man's malicious eyes and knew that if she let him search her, she would be taken advantage of.

However, it was not the time to cause trouble. Thus, she stood up straight and raised her hands. When she saw that

the man was about to touch her body, she warned in a soft voice, "Be careful where you place your hands. If you

touch me inappropriately, I'll break your limbs once I'm done with the matter at hand."

The man was stunned. There were quite a lot of women on the Island of Despair because of the need for various


However, there were very few like her who could instill fear in others just with words...

"Enough with the chit-chat," the man who opened the door said. He had no interest in Luca, so he began to search

her body.

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Luca held herself back as their hands checked her for prohibited items. She silently clenched her fists.

After the body search, the two men exchanged glances and said, "Go in."

Luca walked in.

In the living room of the residential building, there was a luxurious sofa that clearly did not belong there. The dark

red leather was the color of human blood. Abel and a man she had never met sat on it.

Judging from the man's figure, it did not seem like he practiced martial arts. Luca thought that he was probably not

someone from the Island of Despair but a buyer.

When the buyer saw Luca, his eyes lit up.

Abel noticed the buyer's expression and said, "Mr. Bailey, the information you want is in the hands of this woman.

After you pay for it, the information will belong to you."

Bailey retracted his gaze and took a puff of the cigar in his hand. He was having a good time. He squinted at Abel

and said, "Mr. Abel, is it appropriate for you to ask me to pay before I inspect the goods? "

"My business is all over the world. I have a certain reputation. The inspection you mentioned does not guarantee

my rights. After all, I can give you the documents and it can be considered an inspection. You can produce the

drugs based on the formula on the document, and that's also an inspection. Mr. Bailey, what kind of inspection are

you talking about?" Abel took a sip of red wine and asked.

Bailey laughed and responded, "Mr. Abel, since I chose you, I trust you. As long as I can confirm that the document

contains the formula of the drug, I'll transfer the money to you immediately."

Abel nodded, looked at Luca, and said, "Give the file to Mr. Bailey."

Luca clutched the briefcase tightly. Once she handed over the document, T Corporation would be put in an

unfavorable position.

By then, it was no longer a matter involving Dr. Albus and his team but the entire T Corporation.

However, she had no choice but to give in as Abel's and Bailey's men were all around the building.