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Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle by Heap Heap

Chapter 2902
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In this scenario, Luke was the most embarrassed.

Luca turned to look at him. Luke was wearing a mask and a baseball cap. She could not

make out the expression on his face clearly.

However, Luca reckoned that the look on his face was not too good at the thought of how

Luke had treated Mavis back then.

Before Mavis left T Corporation, Luke had always considered her as a capable subordinate

and his right hand woman.

After Mavis left T Corporation, she was nothing.

Luca had a lot of faith in Luke.

Tommy smiled and glanced at Luca.

Luca nodded, affirming that the child's actions just now were not impolite.

Even adults would come up with excuses to ease awkward situations. It was the same for

kids. Sometimes, their unreasonable behavior could help the adults to smooth out an

uncomfortable moment.

"Let's go. There's a white tiger over there." Luca pointed at a spot not far away from them.

As soon as she said that, there came the resonating roar of a tiger.

Tommy's eyes lit up. He grabbed his siblings' hands and walked forward.

Luke and Luca walked side by side behind the children, not too close but not too far from

them. Their gazes were fixed on the kids.

Luke spoke when he noticed that Luca was not saying anything about the incident just

now. "T Corporation might collaborate with the company Mavis is in after this."

"Hmm?" Luca did not expect him to suddenly bring up this kind of matter.

"Mavis' company is relatively strong in amusement park design. If T Corporation

successfully secures the project, we might collaborate with her company," explained Luke.

Luca caught on and nodded. It all made sense.

She realized that Luke was even taking the time to explain it to her. He was worried that

she might misunderstand.

Luca lowered her head, but her lips curved into a smile.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

She would never misunderstand him.

Over the years, other than the impostor Bianca, who had only been around for a short

time, there had not been any other women.

Moreover, according to the kids, Luke did not even share a room with the impostor Bianca

due to her claimed health issues.

Furthermore, the face the imposter Bianca wore was hers. Even if Luke was captivated by

her, Luca believed he was not in the wrong.

Besides, he had never actually touched the impostor Bianca...

"Are you upset?" Luke was much taller than Luca. With her head down, he could not see

the curve of her lips.

"No. Why don't we go and take photos of the kids?" suggested Luca, pointing at the

camera Luke hung on his shoulder. After they had taken a group photo earlier and the

camera was handed back to them, Luke had been carrying it around. He did not want it to

burden Luca.

Luke carefully sized her up before nodding. He quickly caught up to the children's pace

and took many photos of them.

The zoo was big. After exploring all the different areas, it was already past five in the


Perhaps Mavis intentionally avoided them, which was why they did not encounter her


The kids wanted to watch the marine show in the evening. Luke and Luca decided to have

dinner at the park and then head to the performance.

After they came to the restaurant, Luca went to the washroom.

When Luca left the restroom, she bumped into Mavis, whom she had only met once at the

entrance of the white tiger enclosure. She could not help but furrow her eyebrows.

After the incident at the white tiger enclosure, they had not seen Mavis. Now that Luca

was alone in the restroom, she ran into her.

Luca did not want to pay any attention at first. She intended to walk past without

acknowledging her, but what Mavis said made her halt her steps.

"You must be pretty proud of yourself, aren't you?" There was a touch of resentment in her


Luca paused, turned around, and locked eyes with Mavis. Her delicate eyebrows furrowed.

"You must be really proud of yourself to be able to stand by Mr. Crawford's side. But let me

warn you, don't get too cocky. You were never his resolute choice," warned Mavis, implying

that Luca was just someone he spent time with when he was bored.

"Ms. Laviere, are you envious? Jealous? Or is this a sincere attempt at warning me?" Luca

was amused by what she said, and her lips curved into a smile.

She was not mocking Mavis, but she found what she said to be quite amusing.

"Don't get cocky!" Mavis took her smile as a challenge. "You're just a substitute, after all."

"I'm not getting cocky. I just find your words rather uninteresting. And as for whether I'm a

substitute or not, I'm well aware of that. I don't need you to remind me," replied Luca,

concealing her smile. She was surprised to find out that even the business elites, when

clouded by jealousy, would behave shamefully.

Mavis felt like she was being looked down on. Hence, she clenched her fist tightly.

Mavis wanted to retort but found herself unable to. Setting aside the question of whether

Luca qualified as a substitute, it was clear that Mavis lacked the qualifications to serve as

a replacement herself.

Both of them loved Luke, but their affection and companionship could not compare to that

woman who came from the Rayne family!

"Do you think you're in the clear because you've built a relationship with his kids? Do you

think you can stay by his side forever? When that woman returns, you'll realize you're

nothing. Luca, I'm telling you this out of kindness. Wake up and stop holding onto

unrealistic fantasies.”

Luca frowned again, growing impatient with Mavis' words. "You're quite the talker."

After that, Luca walked away immediately.

Mavis' face turned red with anger. As she watched Luca leave from behind, she almost

rushed toward her and gave her a slap in the face.

Everything she said was true. These were the real issues that would arise!

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Would she still be able to feel proud of herself when Bianca returned?

Mavis could not figure out why Luke had chosen Luca. Luca and Bianca were completely

different types of women.

Bianca was timid and easily frightened. She did not have the ability to deal with problems.

She spoke in a soft, sweet tone, and she was especially good at playing the victim card to

capture men's sympathy.

That was how Luke fell for the weak Bianca.

Then, there was Luca...

She was arrogant and domineering, with a bold personality. She was also strikingly

beautiful. She was completely different from Bianca.

Mavis thought it was unfair. Why could it be Bianca or Luca but not her?

She was the woman who deserved to stand beside Luke!

The fire of anger in Mavis' heart grew stronger, but no one could soothe her anger now.

Luca returned to her seat without mentioning the incident at the restroom entrance. She

enjoyed a sumptuous dinner with Luke and the children as if nothing had happened.

Luca did not pay any mind to what Mavis said to her.

It was because her true identity was Bianca, the one who used to be by Luke's side. It was

her, and not someone else. Naturally, what Mavis said would not affect her.

Previously, when she was still Bianca, even if Luke had chosen her resolutely, she might

have been bothered by what Mavis said.

However, she was Luca now.

Even though she did not have the same capabilities as Luke to lead T Corporation, she

was not lacking either.

During those three years on the Island of Despair, her inner strength had grown

significantly. She would not let herself feel upset and bewildered by Mavis' provocative

words anymore.

She was growing up.

Men as outstanding as Luke would inevitably attract admiration from other women, but

she knew he was not the type to easily accept someone else's affections.

Still, why did Luke choose her...

Luca had no idea, but she would not waste her time pondering over such questions.