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Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle by Heap Heap

Chapter 3080
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However, no one had the courage to compete with Luke for talent, so he was only thinking

about it.

After all, the name Luke represented capital in any industry...

Luca would not be so foolish as to not choose Luke and go for another company instead.

After all, as long as Luke agreed, the other party would be able to obtain more research


Therefore, the man dared not to have the intention of poaching Luke's talent.

After a while, the host stepped onto the stage, picked up the microphone, and said to the

audience below, "Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, the seminar will begin soon.

"Please take a moment to locate your respective company's seating arrangements and

settle in. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated."

As soon as the host finished speaking, the people gathered around Luke still showed no

sign of leaving.

Warren stood up and said to the others, "Everyone, the seminar is about to begin. Please

return to your seats. Mr. Crawford needs a break."

No one wanted to leave, but Warren's words implied that it would be impolite not to


Everyone wanted to chat with Luke and leave an impression on him. They had not had

many opportunities before, so this chance was precious to them.

Moreover, the host's words were clearly directed at those surrounding Luke.

Those people could only disperse and find their respective company seats.

As the crowd dispersed, the air suddenly became much fresher.

While Luke remained aloof toward those people, he still extended the appropriate

courtesies. Though he stayed distant, it was not as obvious as before.

He appeared genuinely hopeful about the pharmaceutical industry. That was why those

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people mustered the courage to continue conversing.

Among those people, other than some small company executives, there were also many

executives from large companies.

Although Watson's scale was not as large as theirs, they also wanted to explore more

cooperation opportunities through Watson.

Capital was crucial for every industry, after all.

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Evan asked Luca in d low voice, "Dr. Craw, why were you gone fur quite d while jusi now?"

"Was I? I don't think so..." Luca recalled what had jusi happened. A sense of discomfort

welled up from deep within her once again.

"It was actually quite a while. I didn't expect you to be so enthusiastic, chatting with an

intern for so long. You're the perfect fit for teaching at a university." Evan revealed his

ultimate purpose.

Luca was rendered speechless for a moment.

She initially thought Evan was trying to lead her on with his words, but little did she know

he was still talking about the issue of her teaching at Capital University.

Luca felt helpless. She had to explain, "He was curious, so I elaborated a bit. Besides, the

questions he asked were within my knowledge, but teaching at a university, especially

that particular course?

"Yes, I've studied it before, but that was back in my student days. It's been a long while

since I graduated. I've probably forgotten a bunch of stuff. Plus, I've never taught that

course before.

"Honestly, a lot of the lab professors in our department have past experience as lecturers

at universities, so they're probably better suited for it."

With recent events piling up, Luca simply could not find the time to teach university


Besides, she did not have the inclination...

As Luca spoke, Evan nodded in understanding. Although he had not given up, he did not

press the matter further at the moment.

After all, it would not be appropriate to push further now.

Luke remained silent while listening to their conversation. There was not much for him to

say at this point as Gale had already briefed him on the details.

He did not tell Luca that he had been wearing a high-tech invisible earpiece before their


It was nearly impervious to interference signals and would not be noticed by others. Thus,

his heart clenched tightly when Luca was punched by Abel.

He was so desperate to charge at Abel to back up Luca and to get payback for her. It was

even to the extent of wanting to kill Abel. It might not fix things, but it would at least

relieve some of the burning hatred he felt toward Abel.

His wife and his daughter were both under that man's control.

No man could tolerate that...

However, Luke also understood that he had to endure for now because his child was still in

that man's hands.

He could not prioritize just his wife. He was the head of the family. He had to ensure both

his wife's and daughter's safety.

Otherwise, if something were to happen, their daughter's fate would be a burden shared

by both him and his wife.

Meanwhile, Gale relayed every detail of Abel and Shanks' conversation to Luke.

Luca had found out the reason why Abel appeared at this industry networking event. Luke

knew about it too.

Furthermore, Luke also knew that Luca had to help them with something.

His gaze fell on Luca.

Her expression remained unchanged. It was as though the recent incident and the beating

she endured never happened.

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However, Luke knew it did happen. According to Gale, Abel did not hold back when he

swung at Luca.

The force of his punch was strong enough to make Luca double over in pain at that time,

yet now she acted as if nothing had happened.

Luke knew it was all a facade.

A woman who used to fear pain so much now took a beating without uttering a cry of pain.

She did not even shed a tear. This was not a good sign. All of this indicated that he, as her

husband, had failed to protect her.

A woman would become particularly strong when she lacked a man's protection. She

would not cry or complain no matter what happened, not even when she was in pain.

Luke felt sorry for Luca.

His attention was fully focused on Luca. Abel and Shanks were also sitting in their

respective seats.

His company's position was slightly behind Watson's, allowing him to see Luke and Luca

from behind.

Abel sneered and looked at the two of them. He spoke to Shanks in Russian, "Look at

them. Acting all innocent in front of everyone, sitting there with a gap between them. It's

funny, isn't it? Weren't these two in some gossip headlines before?"

As there were no foreigners nearby, Abel unabashedly chatted with Shanks in Russian.

Since those around them might understand English but not Russian, Abel felt free to

converse in Russian.

Previously, this country used to teach Russian to everyone, but now English was the

dominant language. Abel was not worried about others overhearing their conversation.

Shanks, being more cautious than Abel, reminded him, “Watch what you say."

Abel initially thought there were not many people who understood Russian around.

Shanks added, "Translation software nowadays is incredibly advanced. It can instantly

translate whatever you're saying."

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!