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Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle by Heap Heap

Chapter 53
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Chapter 53 Addicted To Having Bianca Rayne

Next morning, it was a surprise that the boy did not laze in bed.

Thud, thud, thud. He ran back to his room, took his little toothbrush, and started washing up for the

morning. He had a row of neat and white teeth which he carefully brushed. Once done, he ran to look

for Rainie. When he opened the door, he announced to her, "Our mommy is still alive."

Rainie's hair was tied into a neat braid. She cocked her head to the side," Big Bro, what are you talking


"I said, our mother is still alive!" Blanche said as he marched forward and knelt on the floor to help his

sister wear her shoes before bringing her to another house within the mansion.

Their nanny was not bothered by what the kids were doing.

Blanche got his sister to be on the lookout while he sneaked into Uncle Louis' room quietly. He took his

uncle's phone and turned around to sneak out of the room...

"Did you get it Big Bro?" Rainie widened her eyes to ask.

Blanche nodded and went to a secluded corner with his sister. They used the phone to dial a number.

At the same time, Charles Finn's phone rang.

At one housing estate within the City Center Fifth Ring, Charles was having a morning run with his wife.

When his phone rang, both of them paused their steps.

When Charles reached for his phone, he frowned at the sight of the Caller ID and said to his wife Faye

Thomas, "It's Crawford's second young master, Louis.”

"Why is he calling you?" Faye was puzzled.

The couple used to work with the Crawfords 20 years ago. Old Master Crawford had retired and

handed the company to his son. Unfortunately, a few years later, his son had fallen severely ill and

passed away thus Old Master Crawford had to come out of retirement.

It was until Luke Crawford returned to the family that they started to work for Luke.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Luke was a born leader and inherited the best genes the family had. His intelligence was above others.

As of now, the couple believed that he did not inherit his father's negative personalities.

His father was a promiscuous and fickled philanderer. They had not seen Luke carrying such an

attitude thus far.

in a blink of an eye, since Luke came back at the age of 16, until now, it had been 13 years. Both

Charles and Faye could no longer work even if they wanted to. They no longer had the strength to

continue supporting this young man that was once being ostracized as an illegitimate son. Fortunately,

Luke had built up his capabilities and could stand independently that nobody could threaten his


The two retirees were worried that any Crawford member would come looking forthem.

Anyone that came looking for them did not have simple intentions. For the past five years, they have

been asked regarding the identity of the twin's biological mother countless times.

"Young Master Louis?" Charles eventually answered the call.

What replied to him was not Louis' voice, but a soft cute voice. "Grandpa Charles..."

"Yo... Young Master Blanche?' Charles was puzzled.

"Grandpa Charles, I have a question for you. May I?" The boy asked politely.

"Of course you can. I'd tell you if I know about it."

The boy knew that Charles was merely being courteous. The old man would not tell him everything...

"Last night, daddy finally told me that my mommy is still alive..." Blanche's mood became low as he

spoke. "Grandpa Charles, everyone said that you and Grandma Faye knew my mommy. Could you tell

me if my mommy would come back looking for me?"

That was a difficult question for Charles.

'Will daddy remarry my mommy?"

Charles did not say a word about what he could not reveal. All he replied was, "I don't think so. I heard

that your mommy has a boyfriend now."

Charles and Faye went for a vacation last year to England, and coincidentally, they were near the place

where Bianca was studying.

Luke arranged for professional caretakers to take care of Charles and Faye once they retired thus he

would know that they went to England for a vacation. However, they were not sure if he had arranged

for them to live near Bianca's school on purpose. Charles only passed a message to Luke once they

returned, telling him that Bianca seemed to have a boyfriend and their relationship looked rather stable.

Charles had said it offhanded but he had purposely observed Luke's expression after he exposed the


Luke’s expression was just dark and unreadable.

From that incident, Charles was sure that Luke did had some feelings for Bianca. If not because Bianca

had found a boyfriend, these two young people who already had children might make a good couple.

Charles also recalled the frequency of Luke bedding Bianca back then.

Even if he did not sleep with her daily for a month, just the number of times in one day was enough to

impregnate the girl.

Charles would bet on it that there was an element of feelings in it.

As a man, Charles knew how a man's bodily needs worked. When deprived for a long time, the craving

would get stronger, yet Luke could abstain abruptly after a month of daily sex five years ago. That was

not all, after five years, never had any woman appeared in his life all these while. That was something


Was it because he could not forget his 'past love'?

From what Blanche said earlier, Charles also detected another key information. Luke had told his son

that their mother was still alive. That simple act had deviated from the initial story of their mother had

'passed away'.

'Had Ms. Rayne returned to the country?

'Did they meet?

While Charles was trying to figure out the questions in his head, he heard the disappointed voice of the

young boy, "Oh... okay, thanks, Grandpa Charles."

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Then the boy ended the call.

While Charles had his breakfast, he began to analyze the situation with his wife.

Faye said, "Luke is not like his father. He's not a womanizer. Back then I was shocked as well. A self-

reserving young man coming to the mansion every night like a cat that was addicted to stealing fishes.

He'd come into the mansion and begin the act without even informing her. How rough of him.

'The time when we wanted to go for our vacation, Luke got his staff to arrange for our flight and

accommodation and kept trying to subtly convince US to go to England. Now that I think about it, it

wasn't because of the beautiful scenery but because there was somebody that he missed there.’

Faye took a sip of warm milk and chuckled. "Let's ignore the fact that Ms. Rayne has a boyfriend. Even

if she doesn't, Luke would need to wait a few lifetimes before he could marry the mother of his children

with his introverted character." 1

Charles agreed with everything his wife had said. His usual stern look could not hold back a smile. 'The

main thing is, this chap is also arrogant and prideful. I would know that since I watched him grow up.”

Faye shook her head. 'This is going to be a difficult task. Back then, I noticed that the girl was shy and

quiet. If Luke doesn't make the first move, there would be no hope between both of them."

"I think the boy has seen Bianca." Charles wiped his hand, and with a stoic expression, he said, "From

various aspects, we can tell that Luke is extremely possessive and a control-freak. If he saw Bianca

and her boyfriend, yet he didn't know how to put down his pride to court her, wouldn't he die suffocating

from his jealousy?'

On the other end, at the Crawford Mansion.

The two kids deleted the call history and quietly returned the phone inside Louis' room.

"Would dad allow it if we request for a phone?” Rainie asked as she followed behind Blanche.

Blanche thought about it for some time and decided against it because he was worried that it would

anger their father.

'After all, Uncle Louis always sleeps like a log. We can always take his phone to use.’