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Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle by Heap Heap

Chapter 61
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Chapter 61 Bianca Officially Meets Upperclassman Crawford

"I'm not really looking for anything specific in a partner."

She just wanted to end the blind date as soon as she could.

She felt even more stressed with Luke sitting on the other side like a guardian angel.

"You don’t have any prerequisites? Let me tell you about my situation, then. ’ At that moment, Leon's

cell phone next to his coffee cup rang.

"Sorry, I have to answer this call."

After Leon said that, he stood up.

Bianca breathed a sigh of relief.

However, she still did not dare to move in case she accidentally looked at the other man next to her.

Luke did not move much either. He just looked at the newspaper and occasionally took a sip of the

bitter coffee.

The caller ID said, "Aunt Allison'.

Leon answered the phone.

"Leo, how’s the blind date going?" Allison asked anxiously and wanted to know the decision as soon as


Leon glanced at Bianca who was sitting alone in the distance, and said unbearably, "Aunt Allison, this

girl looks very good and I don't want to hurt her."

When Allison heard what he said, she became angry, "What do you mean to hurt her?!"

"I'm gay. I can't give her a married life or even normal love between a man and a woman. If we get

married, my parents will force me to have a kid. I can’t sleep with a woman... She is beautiful, quiet,

and polite. I can't do it..." Leon told Allison in English.

"I don't care if you're gay or not! If you want to be with your boyfriend, you have to pacify your parents.

Your parents just want a grandchild! After you marry her, you can take her to a foreign country and give

her a test tube baby so you won't have to touch her. I'm doing all this because I care for you. Are you

really that stupid?" 4

Allison threatened loudly, "Leo, it's not like that woman is marrying you willy -nilly. You got lucky and a

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readied fool is waiting for you to take her away! Don't you think you should seize the opportunity? Don't

forget the most important thing. Your boyfriend committed a commercial crime. If it’s up to me, he can

spend the rest of his life in jail!"

Leon's call took ten minutes.

When he came back to meet his fate, Bianca was about to make an excuse to leave.

However, when Leon sat down, he said, "Bea, I'm glad I met you. It feels amazing to fall in love at first

sight. I wonder if you fell in love with me at first sight too?"


'Love at first sight? That's kinda rash.’

Bianca did not think that anyone would actually have a reason to fall in love with her at first sight.

"You've seen my height and appearance. You know about my family's wealth. After we get married,

we'll live abroad. I promise you'll have nothing to worry about for the rest of your life." Leon tried to talk

about his strengths.


Bianca almost spat out the coffee!

Luke's ruthless gaze fell on the foreign man.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lacroix." Bianca wiped the corners of her mouth with panic. She looked up and said, "I

don't think we’re a good match. I’ll pay for the coffee. Goodbye."

After she bid her farewell, she picked up her handbag and nodded politely at Leon.

She left without looking back.

After she got out of the cafe, Bianca waved down a taxi.

Bianca handed her phone to the taxi driver. The address was on the screen that showed a quiet place

which was also a place that was famous for being the wealthiest area in the city."

The taxi driver started the meter and the car started to move along the flow of the traffic.

Bianca looked back at the foreign black Land Rover outside the cafe. The car did not follow her and

she finally felt relieved.

Luke did not follow her. 'I guess he’s not the upperclassman Crawford that I once knew...'

She never realized that the cheerful upperclassman that she knew would become the cruel and

ruthless business giant he was today.

On the way to the place, Bianca got a call from Claudia.

Claudia was asking her to hurry.

At half-past nine, the taxi finally arrived in the wealthy area.

Claudia came out to get Bianca.

Bianca looked at the mansion with its magnificent door. With her mouth agape, she said, "This place..."

"Doesn't it look familiar? A popular actress had her birthday party here before! The entire internet knew

about it and apparently, it was a publicity stunt to find a guy with second-generation wealth!" Claudia

sighed as she brought Bianca inside, "Upperclassman Crawford isn’t like US normal people. Since he's

the host this time, we get the honor to see a place like this that only appeared on TV shows about

business tycoons."

'So, this place belongs to upperclassman Crawford?’

Among the rich in A City, Bianca only one Crawford Family who owned T Corporation. 1

"Have you seen upperclassman Crawford yet?" Bianca asked nervously.

"I haven't seen him in person yet. Apparently, he had something to do and he’s going to be late."

Claudia continued and signaled with her lips, ’Look at those desperate hoes. All of them dressed up

just because they heard that they'll be able to see upperclassman Crawford today. Tsk!”

The mansion was very big and it was surrounded by beautiful women and handsome men. Of course,

not all of them were exceptionally pretty. There were also normal-looking people like Bianca, Claudia,

and a few people that sit at a table, bashfully drinking something.

"This is Bianca. Do any of you still remember her? ?’ Claudia brought Bianca over to a group of

classmates that she was friends with.

A man with glasses stood up and nodded, "Of course I remember. She's one of the three good

students that sat in the second row of the class!"

The other people who were sitting down also stood up. A male classmate shook hands with Bianca

while a female classmate gave Bianca a friendly smile.

After Claudia's introduction, Bianca quickly got acquainted with her old classmates. Everyone talked

about their work and no one brought up stuff about school.

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Everyone had a feeling that the past and things that happened in school was not a good memory for


After chatting for a bit, everyone exchanged their WeChat.

Someone asked, "Clauds, where's the teacher?"

"Oh, my mother’s inside. Upperclassman Crawford brought back an expert from abroad. Do you

remember that my mother's leg was amputated? It hasn't healed yet and it's always inflamed. Every

hospital that I brought her to can't seem to find the problem." Claudia said helplessly.

Everyone on their side was talking quietly but the other side was different. Several provocatively

dressed women stood by the pool, laughing and joking. They had their nose up while they compared

their branded handbag and lipstick color which was super hard to find!

At that moment, the sound of a car came from the gate of the mansion. Suddenly, it went quiet.

Even the noisy rich girls who were busy competing shut their mouths.

When everyone saw the foreign black Range Rover driving in domineeringly, Bianca looked different

from the others. There were a lot of expressions on their faces. Some looked excited, some looked

inferior, and some looked bashful.

However, there was no expression on Bianca's face. 2

The Range Rover stopped with its eye-catching license plate number.

When the door opened, a man who looked as powerful as the mansion got down from the car.

The powerful aura radiating from the man's body felt as if it was written brightly with the top three

women's most admired and coveted male characteristics. Aggressiveness, control, and sense of


"So handsome..." A female classmate could not help but say. When she caught herself saying it, she

covered her mouth and softened her voice.

However, everyone still heard it.

The man walked over with simple black trousers and a white shirt with two buttons unbuttoned on the

collar. The delicate cuffs on the shirt were properly rolled up that screamed 'Don’t you dare look at me.'

Bianca was stunned as she watched the man getting closer.

"Bianca, you're here, too." Luke smiled at her suddenly. With a smile on such a cold face with scary

facial features, it was enough to overwhelm someone.

The man's voice was magnetic and solemn. When he said that, it sounded as if he came tonight only

for her.