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Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle by Heap Heap

Chapter 73
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Chapter 73 Made Sure Luke Was Killed

At the Crawford Manor.

A huge spread of Chinese-style breakfast was laid on the dining table.

The old man had not been sleeping these few nights. He woke up easily whenever he heard tiny

movements in the middle of the night. That grandson of his seemed to make a good show out of it.

Every time he drove back in the middle of the night, there was always a lot of noise when he parked his

car in the garage.

It was hard for the old man to ignore his grandson when he had a spring in his walk and brought a

breeze when he drove.

However, the problem lied there. A diligent workaholic who only cared about his company had not been

working overtime in the company recently and was not at home either. 'So where does he go in the

afternoon till night time?

'Especially last night when he came back even later than usual!’

The old man secretly took his little great-grandson to ask him about it. The honest kid gave him some

bad news.

"Great-grandpa, Daddy tosses and turns in his sleep when he’s back. Uncle Louis said that it's

insomnia from his loneliness, a physiological illness that men suffer at a certain period. Although I don't

understand what it means, I think that Daddy won’t be able to eat well if he continues to toss in his

sleep every night..." The little guy scratched his head, expressing that he was worried about his father's


After the old man listened to him, he patted his little great-grandson and said, "Your Daddy is in good

health and will live a long life. That, I'm not worried about. I'm only worried that..."

The old man did not explain in detail to the kid what he was actually worried about.

The old man looked up with a serious face and asked his grandson, "Luke, about last night, is it true

that you only went to sleep early in the morning?" Luke reluctantly took a sip of the freshly ground soy

milk in front of him. After he heard his grandfather's question, he put down the bowl and got up sternly.

Someone quickly handed over his ironed blazer.

After the man wore his blazer, he said, "I'm going to work now, please enjoy yourself."

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The old man was unhappy. He held the cane with his trembling hand, frowned, and thought, ‘This

grandson with extraordinary ability has been abstinent for many years and usually spends his time

either at the manor or the office. These are the two places that he frequents and only these two places.

He usually lives the boring life of a pensioner.'

All he wanted to do was drug his grandson, tie him up, and get a male doctor to come over to check if

everything was fine with him and if his thing was still working!

However, his grandson was now in this kind of situation!

Louis had been tailing him for a few days. However, since his driving and sleuthing skills were not very

good, Luke always found out every time he tried to follow him. Usually, it ended with Luke throwing him

off by going through many different streets, leaving him to return home defeated.

The old man could not figure it out. If his grandson wanted to date out in the open, why did he not just

bring the girl back home to meet the family?

Finally, they were able to have breakfast together today, but when the old man brought it up, the eldest

grandson got up without a word and left for work.

The more he thought about it, the more he was sure that his grandson was hiding something.

'Is it because the girl's family doesn't have a good net worth? Is it really that bad that he can't introduce

her to us?

'Or is it because my grandson is a playboy? Does he just want to play around with a girl and dump her

after he gets tired of her? Is it because he has no intention of marrying anyone at all?

'What an unfilial grandson!

'Playing games with these kinds of things?! That's not how a man should act at all!'

"Hurry up. After we're done eating, take me to the office so that I can talk to your brother," the old man

suddenly shouted at Louis who was still enjoying his breakfast.

Louis, "..."

'What did I do to deserve this...'

The two little kids with their dangling calves and greasy mouths from the youtiao looked at each other.

They did not dare to spill the beans about how their daddy might have a crush on Aunt Bea.

After Susan finished her meal, she could not help but say, "Dad, no offense, but don't you remember

how your son acted when he was alive? Luke's your biological grandson, the flesh and blood of the

Crawford family. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. This behavior of him coming back home in the

middle of the night almost every day is probably because he's with a little goblin from an

establishment." 1

"Mom, you should really learn how to keep some things to yourself." Louis looked up from his food and


The surrounding quieted down.

Allison put down her bowl. "I'm done. I'm going to head upstairs.”

The two little kids tried to figure out what 'little goblin' meant. 'Is that some sort of little fairy? Does it

mean she's really beautiful?'

However, everyone seated knew what Susan meant.

Luke and Louis's father, Zachary, was flighty and had a lot of love affairs when he was alive. After he

married Susan, he became even more of a playboy. 3

Zachary had warned Susan that she should just be at peace about being the madam of the house and

that she should not care how many women he had outside.

Susan was married into the Crawford family for two years, but nothing came out of them. She barely

had the chance to meet her husband, so how would she have been able to get pregnant and have


Susan finally had it with all the cheating and could not hold it in any longer. She carefully arranged a

trap and swore to kill her husband’s other mistresses once and for all!

In the middle of the night, Zachary was caught in bed with another woman. The mistress under him

was the same woman Allison was sitting at the dining table today...

Allison came from a normal family. In those days, the money earned was only barely enough to let

them live on. However, she climbed onto the Crawford ladder and pulled her family up with it. Step by

step, the Tanner family started to shine as they stepped up the ladder.

Allison only hung out with her rich friends then and always tried her best to befriend the children of the

popular families.

Susan remembered that one of Allison's childhood besties was Queenie. Queenie fell in love with an

army boy that had an influential family. After that, Allison tried to become even closer to Queenie. She

left her ex- husband and looked for someone to leech on. She thought that if she could not get Zachary

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Crawford who was at the top of the business circle, she would try to get an influential man from the

army circle. 2

That was how a scheming young girl who went to work at the club and who pretended to be pure,

tricked the man to buy her sob story. She successfully deceived the man to leave his first wife and

brought her son to the top.

Susan knew that a trash of a man like Zachary would not actually fall in love with a woman.

Zachary, the then business tycoon, just wanted a son. He was pleased with whoever could give him a

son. Therefore, the mother who bore his beloved son, Allison, started her prosperous life.

Even though Susan would argue and cry, most times she surrendered. Who was the one who made

Allison's son the righteous son? After taking a bastard home, Crawford Corporation that was on the

verge of collapse was resolutely saved just like that by changing the company's name to T Corporation.

By completely dismissing the great achievements of the older generation, it finally became Luke

Crawford’s new empire.

Perhaps that was the punishment given by the heavens to Susan for her loyalty to her husband...

However, the devil in Susan would wonder if she had made sure Luke was killed that year, what would

the future have held for her?

The old man went straight to the root of it. When he went to the top floor office in the T Corporation

building, he was greeted with his busy grandson. He raised his cane and pointed at his nose. He

reprimanded. ’ The Crawford family does not accept anyone who’s corrupted! You know very well about

the horrible things your father did last time! I won't let you follow in his footsteps!" 2

"Grandpa, what did I do?" Luke got up, stretched out his hand, and pushed aside the mahogany cane

that was about to hit his face.

The old man's copper eyes widened with shock. "What's wrong with you? How dare you ask me what

you did? You among all people should know better than anyone else!”

Louis explained promptly. "Grandpa suspects that you come back home nearly at dawn every day

because you've been hanging out with girls. So if you're looking for girls in the middle of the night, it

must mean they're prosti..."

Luke, who was suspected of hiring escorts for many nights,"..."

"If you're not doing what we say you are, why haven't you brought the girl home to meet us?!" The old

man took the opportunity to finally say what he wanted to say aggressively.