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Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle by Heap Heap

Chapter 871
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Chapter 871 Punched And Hit Her Stomach

Leia immediately went for a color doppler ultrasound examination.

When the image came out, she immediately brought it to Dr. Luis' office and asked her to take a look at it.

The image showed that it was a mid-term pregnancy, single live birth (15W+ 6D), and posterior placenta.

Dr. Luis carefully read the report. She pushed the big-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose and said, "Ms.

Norman, you're pregnant. The baby is 15 weeks and 6 days old."

Leia's face turned pale in an instant. She took off her sunglasses and screamed, "That's impossible! When I was

more than 30 days pregnant, I took abortion pills. I was bleeding for a few days after that. How could the child be


Dr. Luis frowned and asked Leia, "When did you take the abortion pill? How did you take it? Which doctor prescribed

the abortion pill for you?"

Leia sighed and answered truthfully, "Dr. Hoover was the one who prescribed the medicine. She gave me three

days worth of medicine and not long after I took them, I began to bleed. It was dark red but not a lot came out. On

the third day, I felt a larger blood clot flow out of my body. I thought it was the gestational sac."

Dr. Luis frowned and said sternly, "After you took the abortion pills, didn't you come to the hospital for a B-

ultrasound scan?"

Leia bit her lip and answered meekly, "At the time, I thought the gestational sac had been drained and I wasn’t

experiencing any discomfort, so I didn't go to the hospital for an examination..." "What nonsense." Dr. Luis put down

the pen in her hand and rubbed her head from the headache. She said sternly, "Don't you know it’s common sense

to have a B-scan after a miscarriage? Even if that were the case, Dr. Hoover should have told you what you needed

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to do after taking the medicine." "She told me, but I thought things were okay so I didn't come over."

Leia was beyond regretful and continued to ask, "Doctor, I don't understand. I took the abortion pills! Why is the

child still in me?"

Dr. Luis sighed and replied, "Dr. Hoover was taken away for investigation on suspicion of selling counterfeit drugs.

Most of the drugs prescribed by her were fake. You probably took ineffective abortion pills. The blood loss you

experienced after taking the medicine may have just been a sigh of a minor miscarriage. Sigh, how could she harm

patients like this?!"

Leia hated Dr. Hoover with everything that she had. If that woman was not locked up, she would skin her alive.

However, she suppressed her anger because she still had a lot of questions.

She asked, "Doctor, what should I do now? Generally speaking, don't pregnant women experience nausea? My

appetite has been great for the past few months and my body weight is in the same range. It's only these past few

days that my stomach started to feel uncomfortable. What’s going on?"

If she had known that the baby was alive or if she had experienced any sort of symptoms, she would not have

acted passively.

Dr. Luis patiently explained to her, "Generally speaking, morning sickness will appear within the first three months.

You may feel nausea, vomiting, or loss of appetite. But some women don't exhibit symptoms as such. For some

people, morning sickness starts after three months. This is affected by the patient’s physical fitness, liver function,

or levels of bile acid.

Moreover, if your placenta is in the posterior position, it might take longer for you to have these symptoms." "I don't

want this baby. Can I get an abortion?"

Dr. Luis said solemnly, "Your baby is more than three months, nearly four months old. The placenta has been

formed, the fetus is larger, and the bones have started to harden. You can't abort now. If you want to abort, you

can only go for induced labor. I have to warn you that it's far more painful than an abortion, so I suggest that you

consider it carefully."

Leia was scared witless, and her fingers were trembling as she uttered, "Is ... Is there a painless option for induced

labor?" "There is one, but I have to tell you the truth. Although medical technology is quite advanced, painless

induced labor just means that when you enter the delivery room, you'll be injected with anesthetics. The patient will

not feel pain during the procedure. However, you'll be injected with Rivanol before the surgery, which patients have

reported to feel agonizing pain 24 to 48 hours after the injection. Think about your level of pain tolerance and let

me know when you've made a decision." "Doctor, I will... think about it and I'll be in touch once I think it through."

"Okay." Dr. Luis handed her a business card. Leia quickly took it and stuffed it into her bag.

When Leia walked out of the hospital, a thin layer of cold sweat oozed from her forehead. She felt weak.

She was in high heels and almost slipped a few times, even accidentally bumping into a pregnant woman. Her

husband was furious and glared at her.

However, at that time, Leia was out of it. She kept thinking about what Dr. Luis said.

'Induced labor will be painful.'

She was not sure if she could bear the pain. She had been squeamish since she was a child. Even when she was

stung by an ant, it would hurt for a long time. How would Leia be able to go through induced labor?

When she got home, Leia was desperate and immediately turned on her laptop. She searched for 'induced labor'

and saw that the reactions of netizens were varied.

Female netizen A said: [Induced labor is the same as giving birth. I had an injection today. It was a bit painful, but it

was tolerable.]

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Female netizen B said: [It's not too bad. I did it the day before yesterday. It hurts more than getting your period. If

you decide to go for it, you should get it done as soon as possible. The more you delay it, the more dangerous it is.]

Female netizen C said: [It’s very painful, and I'm not trying to scare anyone. It's worse than death for the first 24

hours. It's so horrible during contractions. I'll never forget the pain I felt, it was horrible! I don't know how I got

through it. I wanted to cry but I couldn’t. My body felt like it was being snapped in half. If you can, keep the baby.

Else, go to the hospital earlier. You may be able to survive it.)

Female netizen D said: [Don't go for it... It's very painful, especially in terms of psychological impact. It'll stay with

you for the rest of your life. The baby has already been formed and it's cruel to abort it. Moreover, the sequelae of

induced labor are terrible. You might have to go through the procedure twice if the first time was not done right. My

sister suffered from a serious gynecological disease because of induced labor and it caused her to be unable to

have any more children. It has been more than ten years yet she still hasn’t been able to get pregnant even after

trying various means.]

The netizens had different opinions. Some said that the pain was within an acceptable range, but most female

netizens said that the pain was unbearable. They also said that after induced labor, the patient might get a pelvic

infection, uterine rupture, endocrine disorders, abnormal periods, and so on.

In severe cases, it could also lead to infertility.

Leia became more and more frightened as she read on. In the end, she closed all the tabs and collapsed in front of

the computer.

After a long time, Leia stood in front of the full-length mirror and peeled open her clothes.

She touched her slightly bulging lower belly. Her gaze was gloomy, and she punched and hit her stomach...