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Will You Marry Me, Again by Pear Heart

Chapter 149
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Chapter 149 I Don’t Want It
It’s fine as long as long as she doesn’t hurt herself. But... making him disappear from her life, he couldn’t do it.
Cedric opened a drawer, took out a dagger, and threw it in front of her. On the snowy–white bed, the black dagger stood out
prominently. Maia’s delicate eyebrows furrowed. What was he trying to convey?
“I would never leave you, unless I died.”
Maia’s body still trembled slightly, but her bloodshot eyes remained firm, filled with
“Cedric, do you think I really don’t dare to act?”
Her body trembled slightly, and her voice quivered. However, the hatred in her words was crystal clear.
He smiled, and his tone was casually indifferent. “Of course my girl dares.”
Wrapped in a thin blanket, Maia picked up the dagger and rushed toward him, pressing it against his left chest.
Standing on the bed, she looked at him from a different perspective for the first time. Nonetheless, his domineering aura shook
Maia. Her hands trembled uncontrollably as she held the dagger...
The tip of the dagger was pressed against his left chest. As long as she exerted force, the dagger would ruthlessly pierce
But she couldn’t bring herself to do it.
Maia tightened the grip on the dagger once again. But before she could strike, Cedric took a step towards her. His leg pressed
against the edge of the bed, willingly allowing the dagger to pierce his left chest.
Fresh blood dripped down the dagger, staining the pristine white sheets....
Maia widened her eyes in disbelief. Had he
e gone mad?

The next moment, she released her grip, recoiling several steps. The dagger fell onto the bed edge and the mahogany floor,
producing a “clang” sound.
The dagger had probably penetrated one or two centimeters–not too deep, but the wound was visible. Crimson blood slid down
Cedric’s chest, following the contours of his body...
Fortunately, Maia released her hold in time, and his leg against the bedside prevented him from advancing further. Otherwise,

the consequences would have been unimaginable.
“Cedric, I don’t want your life, and I disdain it.”
Maia looked at him with eyes full of hatred, then stepped off the bed, walking briskly toward the adjacent bathroom...
Upon entering the bathroom, she quickly closed and locked the door. Then she leaned against the door.
“What difference does it make by killing him? It won’t change anything.

Maia lifted her tear–filled eyes, gazing at herself in the mirror, her body marked with traces of him, revealing the madness of the
previous night...
They hurt each other when one no longer loved the other. Perhaps this was the fate of her and Cedric. They were destined to
have a connection but not a future..

Maia turned on the tap, splashing cold water on her face. Only this way could she keep herself awake. Suddenly, her attention
was drawn to a handbag placed on the side. It contained women’s clothing from her favorite brand, in her size, and from the
current limited edition.
Maia sneered. “Cedric, all your kindness toward me is built on my suffering, including this dress.”
This dress reminded her of the torn and broken scene from the night before. Though her memory was blurry, she could still recall
that he had torn her clothes into pieces.
After freshening up, Maia walked out of the bathroom again.
The bedroom was now empty. Maia took a deep breath, trying to adjust her emotions, and
descended the stairs.
Upon reaching the main hall on the first floor, she saw Hans happily eating biscuits. When he saw Maia, his smile widened.
“Maia, good morning!”
Maia nodded and smiled. “Good morning, Grandpa.”
“Cedric didn’t have breakfast with me, saying something about business matters. He left. hurriedly. Will you have breakfast with
this old man?”
Hans looked expectant, and Maia couldn’t refuse. Besides, she was feeling a bit hungry.
After ensuring that Cedric wasn’t around, Maia responded, “Sure, I happen to be hungry.”

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“Come on, let’s go to the dining room and see what Fernando has prepared in the kitchen,” Hans said enthusiastically.

He genuinely liked Máia and couldn’t stop smiling, thinking about the possibility of holding his great–grandchild.
Once in the dining room, a simple and delicious breakfast was laid out.
“Here, Maia, I remember you love brownies,” Hans said, picking up a piece and placing it on Maia’s plate.
Maia enjoyed the soft and flavorful brownies and smiled at Hans. “Thank you, Grandpa. It’s just what I like.”
“And try this chocolate muffin. It tastes good. The kitchen made it themselves, so it’s healthy.
“Sure.” Maia nodded and ate it.
After talking about several breakfast items, Hans got to the point.
“Maia, when do you think I’ll have the chance to hold my great–grandchild?”
Maia was startled, and her hand holding the chopsticks slightly stiffened. How was she supposed to answer that?
Maia pursed her lips and replied, “Grandpa, this is not something I can decide, is it? Please take care of yourself, eat well, sleep
well, and listen to Fernando. He’s all for your wellbeing.”
“Alright, alright, now you’re giving me advice too. I’ll follow your words. Eat well, drink well, sleep well, and you should listen to
Grandpa to let me hold my great–grandchild soon!” Hans
Maia could only smile, picking up a waffle and placing it on Hans’s plate. “Grandpa, have some
Hans nodded with a content smile. This breakfast was different from the usual clamoring for desserts. Instead, he quietly finished
a large piece of waffle.

After breakfast, Maia bid farewell to Hans, promising to visit again soon. As she walked towards the courtyard of Beverley Manor
and prepared to get into her car, Fernando caught up
with her.
“Maia!” Fernando called out to her and handed her a prepared lunch box.
“Fernando.” Maia paused in her motion to get into the car, looking at Fernando holding the
lunch box.
Fernando handed the lunch box to Maia. “I saw you enjoyed the smoked fish last night. There’s still some in the kitchen, so I
packed it for you. Take it!”
“Thank you, Fernando.” Maia thanked him, surprised by his thoughtfulness.
“Maia, Mr. Hans’s memory is sometimes good and sometimes bad. He forgets a lot of things, and you can say he only retains the
he wants to remember. Most of those things are
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